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Suga POV

We already buy a food and we was walking to Namjoon's room . Suddenly we saw Mr.Jeon and his wife , Jungkook's parents .

"Hey mom . Dad . Why you guys here ?" Jung kook asked .

"We come here to visited our son . Can't we ?" Mrs.Jeon said .

"I'm your son . I'm fine . Oh I understand . You mean Namjoon ?" Jungkook said .

"Yea . It's okay . You guys also our son ." Mr.Jeon open his arms and hug Jung kook . Then we go together to his room .

"Namjoon ." We didn't say Namjoon .

"Aish . He sleep with Y/N again ?" Jin mad . He open the curtain roughly but we didn't saw Namjoon .

"Where is he ?" Tae ask .

Suddenly someone open the bathroom door .

"Oh shit ! You guys scared me ." Namjoon said and we laughed .

"Yah . You shower ?" I asked .

"Why ? Did doc said I can't shower ?"  Namjoon asked back

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"Why ? Did doc said I can't shower ?"  Namjoon asked back .

"No . Just we finding you . We put Y/N's food here yea ?" Jimin said and put the food at table .

"Okay . Hey Mr.Jeon and Mrs.Jeon !" He waved his hand and smiled .

"Stop calling us Mr and Mrs . We are your parents too . Called us like how you call Jin's parents ." Mr.Jeon mad .

"Okay . Mom and dad ?" Namjoon try to called them like that .

"Yah . Us ? Why we need to called you guys mr and mrs ?" Tae ask .

"Who said ? Called us like how Jung kook called us ." Mr.Jeon said again make us chuckled .

They sit .

"Take this ." Namjoon suddenly give Jin money .

He take it .

"What is it ?" Jin asked while a food in his mouth .

"Y/N's food ." Namjoon said and smiled .

Jin sigh .

"Aish . Take this back . We pay it ." Jin take Namjoon's hand and give back the money .

"No .I'm her husband . I need to pay it back ." Namjoon forced to take it .

Jin tired to fight with him just because of money .

"Why you don't want we buy your food ? You just want we buy for Y/N ." Jhope asked .

"I'm not hungry ." Namjoon said and sit at his bed . Suddenly his stomach give a sound .

"You lie ?" Tae ask .

"I'm hungry but I don't have money . Y/N need to eat . It's okay if I'm not eating . I can hold it ." Namjoon said make me sigh .

"Yah . We can buy it for you . We pay it . You need to eat . Or you just eat the hospital food ?" Tae said .

"Erm . No . I don't like Hospital food ." Namjoon replied and sit next to Y/N .

"Yah . Sit at your bed . Doc will blame us . We warn you again ." Jung kook mad .

"I want to wake her up . She need to eat ." Namjoon said and look at Y/N .

"Y/N . Hey Y/N !" Namjoon wake her up softly .

"Yea ?" Y/N answer and try to open her eyes .

"Wake up ! You sleep for a long time . Come sit down and eat . I feed you ." Namjoon said as he take a food for Y/N . Y/N sit down properly . 

Namjoon feed Y/N . We just looked how he take care of Y/N although he also sick .

"Namjoon . Let her eat . You also need to rest and eat ." Mrs.Jeon said .

"It's okay mom . I can feed her ." Namjoon said with a smiled . He really showed that he loves Y/N .

Suddenly his stomach give a sound again .

"You hungry ? Let's share ." Y/N said .

"No . I-I'm not hungry . Just my stomach hurt ." He lied .

We look at each other face . Worried about him .

"Dad . The others will come ?" Jungkook whsipered to her dad .

"Yea . Why ?" Mr.Jeon ask back .

"Tell them to buy a food for themself and Namjoon . Then tell them to lie to Namjoon and said that they buy for someone but the one that they want give don't want it . So Namjoon can eat ." Jungkook give a plan .

"Good idea , son . I will text them ." Mr.Jeon agree .

Skip time ~

After 1 hour .

"You want to shower ?" Namjoon asked Y/N .

"Yea ." She nods .

"Come on ." He help Y/N stand up .

After 15 minutes , we saw Namjoon come out from bathroom . His shirt wet .

He take a shirt from Y/N's bag and go to bathroom back .

After 5 minutes , we can see they both come out .

"Mom dad ? When you arrived ?" Namjoon shocked saw Mr.Kim and Mrs.Kim .

"Just arrived ." They smiled and Namjoon smiled back . She helped Y/N sit properly .

"Comfortable ?" Namjoon asked and Y/N nod . Namjoon sit back at his bed .

"Namjoon . You need to rest . After this , let us help Y/N do what she want okay ?" I whispered .

"No . It's okay . I need to help her . She needs me ." Namjoon said .

"You also a patient . You also sick , Namjoon . Just rest ." Jungkook join .

"No . I can't . I'm her husband . I have responsibility ." Namjoon don't want to listen .

We just sigh .

"Namjoon . I buy a food for myself and my friend . But he said he don't want . So take it ." Suddenly Mr.Kim said .

"Really ?" Namjoon smiled .

"Yea ." Mr.Kim give a food .

"Thanks ." He excited to eat . He hungry . We can see .

We just smiled look at him .

End Suga POV

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