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Namjoon POV

I was busy looking at my phone . Suddenly i got a notification . It's said . I take out all my money from bank . Wait ! When ?!

I panicked . I worried .

"Guys . I go upstairs yea ?" I said as they nod with a smiled . I carried Y/N and go to my room .

I put Y/N slowly . I take out my laptop and was checking something .

I was so focused until I didn't noticed Y/N wake up . She suddenly hugged me .

"Hey . You not sleep yet ? Let's cuddle !" She grumbled .

"Wait yea baby ?" I so focused . I worried . It's all my money gone from bank !

I don't know why she suddenly touch my dick .

"Daddy ." She said .

"Not now Y/N . I'm busy ." I said .

"Please ?" She pout .

"No Y/N ! I'm busy ! Please !" I mad and push her hand from hugging me .

"Ok ." She said and lay down back . She not looking at me as usual . She turned to another side .

"Baby . I'm sorry okay ? I just -" I didn't finish my sentence suddenly someone call me . It's from bank maybe .

Skip ~
Tomorrow .

I wake up . I didn't saw Y/N .

I stand up and finding her . It's looked like she helping others at kitchen . Doing breakfast .

She going to table to put plate . I hold her hand .

"Y/N . You still mad ?" I asked but she push me . Others noticed us .

She take a glasses and come to table back .

"Y/N . Yah . Answer me . I'm sorry ." I said .

"Go away . I was helping them for breakfast ." She said . She mad .

I pull her to upstairs .

"Y/N ! I'm sorry ! Please ? I was stress last night ! I-I -" I didn't finish my sentence suddenly she shout .

"What ?! Just go away ! I'm doing breakfast ! For what you pull me here ?!" She mad . She really mad . She push me and go downstairs back . I run follow her but what I saw is . Everyone was looking at us .

"Y/N ! I already said sorry right ?! Can you just forgive me ? I'm stressed okay ?!" I shout . Not mad but I sad . She ignored me .

She leaves .

"Aish ! Fuck !" I sit at stairs .

"Yah why ?" Mr.Kim sit next to me .

"Nothing . Just fighting ." I said with a fake smile .

"Tell me . I'm your dad ." He holds my shoulders .

"My money . Gone . All ! Bank tell me someone take my money from bank . I don't have money now ! I-I stress last night . She try to play around with me but I mad at her . I shout . I just . Stress !" I cry . I don't like fighting .

"How your money can gone ?" Jin asked . He heard it .

"I don't know . After we talking last night , I got notification from bank . They said I take out all my money . When ?! I'm not touch my money in bank ." I mad . I sad . I shout .

"J-Just don't tell Y/N . I don't want she worried ." I said as they nod .

"It's okay . We will help you ." Mr.Kim said .

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