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Namjoon POV

It's already 12.30 am . We just done sex . I fucked her for 1 days non stop .

"Baby . You okay ?" I asked as I lay down next to her .

"H-Hurt ." She said as she cry .

"Yah don't cry . Y-You make me worried . I'm sorry okay ?" I pull her to hug .

"Shhh . I'm sorry ." I hug her as tight as I can .

"It's okay . I give it because I love you ." She kiss me .

"I love you too baby . You know right ?" I hug her tightly again .

"I want sleep . Can I ? I-I'm tired ." She said and I nod with a smiled . We sleep together .

Skip ~
Tomorrow .

I wake up and saw she still sleep .

"She cute ." I smiled .

"Baby . Hey . Wake up ." I stretch her hair .

"Yes ?" She answer weakly .

"Wake up ." I smiled and she nods .

"I-I can't moved ." She said make me worried .

"Hey . I'm sorry okay ? I do because I love you so much . I'm sorry . Okay . Like this . You just stay here . I give a breakfast ." I said and she nods again . I wear my clothes and go downstairs .

"Namjoon ! Finally ! You come out !" Jungkook shout .

"Hey . You guys didn't go to college and work ?" I asked .

"Yah . You crazy ?! Today is Saturday !" They said .

"Oh . I forgot . Have a breakfast ? I need to give Y/N breakfast ." I said again .

"Why she not eat downstairs ?" Mr.Kim asked .

"Oh . Urm . She . ugh . Oh . She have fever . She don't want you guys sick too ." I lied .

"Oh yea ?" They asked and I nod slowly worried .

I leave and they just look at me . They know what I do ?!

I take a food and I go upstairs .

"Namjoon ! After you give Y/N food , you come here back okay ?" Mrs.Jung said and I nod . I go to Y/N .

"Baby . Hey . Come . Let I feed ." I smiled and she try to sit down but she can't .

"Ugh ." She grumbled .

"Let me help ." I smiled and she smiled back . She already sit properly .

"Feed me ! I'm hungry ." She be a baby .

I feed her .

"Delicious ?" I asked and she nod quickly .

"No I don't want ." She push the plate softly .

"Baby . You just eat 5 spoon ? You will sick . Eat . Please ." I still holding a spoon .

"I don't want ." She said a same thing .

"For me ?" I stare at her and she nod .

"This is my baby ." I kiss her forehead .

"Last . Then finished ." I said and she eats .

"Okay . Finished ." I smiled .

"Baby . You okay ? You still hurt ?" I worried .

"Yea . I can't ever moved !" She said make me feel guilty .

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