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Still Namjoon POV

"I admit . I . Raped her . When she stay at my house . I remember how scared her face . Pain . After that . I leave her just like that . I go to my room . But when I look at her . Why I feel bad ? So bad . I never feel like this to other girls . Because of that , I take care of her . Then . When she saw me with Lia at Lia's party , I saw her trying to flirt with Jungkook , Jimin , Tae and Suga . Right ? When other girls do that to me , I didn't ever care . But why when she do like that , make me feel jealous , mad and sad . I pull her . Take her home . She mad and cry . She tell why she flirt with you guys . Then she suddenly said . She fall in love with the wrong guy . Okay . Yea . Maybe it's correct but that sentence makes me . Make me sad . That day is a memories you know ? First fighting and first sex that she really give . I didn't even forced . 3 days before we know she . She pregnant . So you know now why I still feel useless . I tell you this because I want you try to understand . What I'm trying to tell you . So now . Tell me . Who more stronger ? Min Yoongi that didn't use the girls , serious with his relationship , didn't shout or become crazy when he know the girl that he have sex with miscarriage or Kim Namjoon that using girls just for himself and make a girl pregnant until his own mom hate him , then he will responsible but when he know the girl had a miscarriage , he shout , he brake the mirror and trying to kill himself . Tell me ." I said while my tears drop . Suga stare at me while I can see his tears drop too .

Jin hold my shoulder and try make me calm down from cry .

"So . It's mean Y/N also same with Alice , Lia and the other girls ?" Jhope ask .

"Yea . At first , I'm using her . I just use her for myself but . As usual . After I have a sex with a girls , I will not help them with anything and just leave like stupid man . But how about Y/N ? After that happened , I . I take care of her . If you noticed , I didn't call Lia or other girl as a baby , babe . Just them calling me like that . But how about Y/N ? I'm the one calling her as a baby all the time . Many things I noticed after I raped her . When I have a sex with her , she said she a virgin . When I asked her , she never sleep with other guy ? She said no . Then my mouth suddenly said I take her virginity and she automatically mine . I'm . I'm crazy that time . I don't know what's wrong with myself . She changed me . She makes me just love her and not other girl . Actually many things , changed me ." I said and drink my apple juices .

"But . When the day you make her pregnant , she didn't asked you for wearing condom ?" Tae whispered the question .

"Yea . She asked . But . I said I don't want . I remember what I said that time . With other girls , I use condom . With you . I can't baby girl . That what I said . Then she asked . How if she . Pregnant ? And I just said . It's easy . I will responsible . And yea . She really pregnant after that . I not that crazy to just leave her with my own child in her stomach . I'm not lying telling this but when she miscarriage , I really really feel so useless . I blame Lia although she do that because she don't know about me and Y/N . If you didn't believe what I tell you , you can ask Y/N . Privately !" I said and wiped my tears .

"Why you being playboy yea ?" Jimin suddenly ask .

"Because I think Girls is the toys ." I said and they stare at me .

"Suga . She can't pregnant . You will married her ?" I ask .

"Of course . I love her . I didn't care . We can adopt . Right ?" Suga give a smiled .

"I'm waiting for that answer ." I give a soft smiled back .

"Suga . Don't cry . We with you ." Tae stretch his hair .

"Yea . Thanks ." He replied .

Skip ~

"You guys go back first . I will accompany her ." Suga said as he hold Lia's hand . Lia still didn't wake up .

"You sure ?" Mr.Kim ask and he nods .

"If you don't want I didn't care but someone just send Y/N home . She look tired . Pregnant right ?" Suga ask with a smiled .

"Oh yea . If like that , we will go back . We visited tomorrow !" We said with a smiled .

Skip ~

"Baby . I need cuddles !" I grumbled .

"Aish . This cute boy . Your wife pregnant !" She grumbled back .

"So ? I promised after we cuddled you feel more better ." I give a soft smiled .

"Can we cuddle ?!" I shout like a baby .

She lay down next to me and hug me . I hug her back .

"Baby . Can I ask you something ?" I asked and she raised her eyebrows .

"I'm a good husband and father for my little family ? Just said the truth . I didn't care ." I smiled .

"Good enough ." She answered .

"I love you Kim Y/N ." I hug her tightly .

"I love you too Kim Namjoon ." She kiss my lips once and sleep . I feel happy with her .

Skip again ~

It's been 2 years since that . I have my second child . Yay ! His name is Kim Misi . Suga and Lia married . But they can't have child . We live like happy family . I love my wife . She love her husband .

We just done sex .

"Daddy ." She called me . We was cuddling naked in room .

"Yea baby girl ?" I look at her .

"I love you ." She said make me smile .

"I love you too ." I kiss her lips .

                              The end

Creator notes
Sorry if the ending was boring ! Because I didn't have any Idea . My brain stuck ! By the way , give me an Idea in comment for next story !

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