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Namjoon POV

"I swear you pyscho , Namjoon ." Suga said .

"Yea I know ." I replied .

"What you will do ?" Jimin asked .

Suddenly someone call me .

"Wait . It's Nennie ." I said and pick up .


Namjoon : Hello
Nennie : Hello baby . I arrived but you seriously want to celebrate my birthday in front of your daughter that just got raped ?!
Namjoon : Why ? I don't want leave her .
Nennie : Come out side baby . Take me to her room .
Namjoon : Coming .

End conversation

"Guys . I'll take Nannie ." I said and run .

I run to Nannie .

"Hey baby ." I said .

"Hey daddy ." She said .

"Oh now you calling me daddy huh ?" I use her .

"Come on ! Give me a present !" She grumbled .

"Inside ." I said .

"I will closed your eyes huh ?" I said as she nods .

I closed her eyes and go to room . I looked at them .

"Shh ." I said as they nod . They just looked what I will do .

"Happy birthday ." I whispered to her and cut her neck using my knife . Many blood comes .

"Your dead day , your birthday day ." I said as she felt and already died .

"Jin . Help me ." I said as he nods . We pull her to bathroom .

"You so cool , Namjoon !" Jin like what I do . I clean the knife .

"You seriously kill her ?" Mr.Kim asked me shocked .

"She deserved that . I don't care ." I said as I keep that knife in my pocket and go to Y/N back . Hugging her . She still slept .

"It's smooth . I swear ." Jungkook said and laughed .

All of them look at me with a scared face .

"Can you guys stop looking at me like that ? I didn't kill you guys ." I said as they changed their face .

"Namjoon . You scared us you know ?" Mr.Park said .

"Why ? I'm not killing you dad ." I said .

"No . Just we shocked . You kill her like that . Look like you professional at killing people ." Mr.Park said again .

"Really ? I never kill people before this . Today is my first time ." I said again .

"How the body ?" Mr.Kim asked .

"I will handle it ." I said with a smiled .

"You guys don't want to go back ? It's already late ." I looked at them .

"Yea . We also feel sleepy . How about Y/N ?" Mrs.Min said .

"It's okay . Just left Y/N with me ." I smiled .

"We will come tomorrow ." They said and leave . I just nod .

"Y/N . Y/N ." I try wake her up .

"Yes ?" She replied .

"Sleep properly . Lay down ." I said with a smile and she lays down .

"Baby . W-Who did this to our daughter ?" She holds my wrist .

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