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Namjoon POV

I push them hardly . They leave . I sigh .

"You want to play ? Let's play ." I said and take a big knife from kitchen .

I go out and almost got shoot .

"Aww baby . Finally you out !" Alice said .

"Yah ! You all crazy ?!" I shout . They stop shooting .

"No . We just want you back ." Alice hug me .

"You take our virginity and you leave . Why ?" She whispered .

I push her hardly .

"Go back ! Don't do a crazy thing ! I'm married ! Have a child ! You crazy ?! Because of me , you almost killed my family !" I shout . I mad .

"Namjoon . Calm down . We just play around ." Lina said .

"Go ! Go back before I kill all of you !" I shout and point the knife .

"What you gonna do with that knife ?" Belly asked .

"Don't you dare me ! Once you touch my family . You died ." I shout .

"You can kill people ? Aww seriously ?" Jennie asked .

"I already killed your sister ! Don't make me kill you guys !" My blood boiling . They really play a games .

"You are the one who killed my sister ?! Yah !" Jennie shout .

"Yes ! I kill her . Can you guys just don't and stop ruining my relationship with my own wife ?!" I shout again .

Suddenly Lisa point the gun at my head .

"You want to kill me ? Kill . I don't care ." I said and smirked .

"You dare me daddy ?" She said .

I nod .

She shot my shoulder .

"Don't dare your whore , daddy ." She said .

"Aish !" I shout hurt .

"You just can do that ? Oh come on . I can cut your body make a soup darling ." I said and smirked .

"Oh I'm scared ." She pretended like she scared then she laughed .

"Shoot me ! Don't you ever touch my family !" I shout and suddenly they shoot . I closed my eyes .

But I still alive . I didn't fainted or bleeding . I opened my eyes and saw Jin was the one that fainted and many blood come out .

"Shit ! Let's go !" They leave .

"Yah ! Hey ! Jin ! Wake up ! Jin ! Jin ! What you guys looking at ?! Call the ambulance !" I shout to others that just look at us from main door .

Jung kook run and call the ambulance .

"Jin ! Wake up ! Hey ! Aishh !" I cry at there . But my shoulder hurt .

After 15 mins , the ambulance come . We arrived in 10 minutes .

They put me in operating room . Same with Jin . They give me a sleep medicine and I suddenly felt asleep .

I wake up and I saw all of them in front me . My left hand moving , try to hold my right shoulder .

"Aish !" I grumbled .

"Namjoon . You okay ?" Y/N asked and help me to sit .

"Namjoon . You know . You like a mafia at there ." Tae try to do a joke .

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