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Authors note: I just want to say that imagine ragnarok happened like 3 months after age of ultron and no civil war or thanos ... yet...
I sat around the meeting room table, Wanda on my left and Tony on my right. "Listen there's this new alien monster thing, from what we have gathered it's called riot, it's a symbiote from a foreign planet, now we have seen clips of what it can do and it's one ugly motherfucker-" fury said barging into the room, "language" Steve muttered from across the table and everyone chuckled.

"So what's our plan of action boss?" I asked looking at the screen where a photo of a weird alien thing was seen biting of people's heads, "glad you asked that because Kai, I was hoping you would ask you sister for help." Fury said and I could see the confusion on everyone's faces,

"You have a sister?," Wanda turned to me and everyone got even more confused as Wanda hasn't spoken in three months since her brothers death since ultron, "uhh yeah she's kind of the ... devil" I said but muttered the last word but not quiet enough as they all heard, "so your sister is the devil and you've kept this quiet?" Tony said clearly interested, "well she's a heartless killer who lives off chaos and sex and only does things for herself." I said letting out my anger, "I take it there was family drama" Nat said smirking clearly amused.

"I haven't seen her in years and before that she tasked me with cleaning up the cowards who shit themselves in hel just because I hit on hela a few years back." I said still mad that I had to clean up the people who shit themselves from their own torture chamber in hel.

"Well let's put the past behind us, if fury wants the devils help then I say phone her up and ask her!" Nat said finally chiming, "it's your funeral."l I said before summoning the messenger demon to tell Maze we need help.

"Alright well she should be here soon so im going to tell you things which are off limits, first of all she is like a chaos magnet which is why...witchy I think it's best if you don't use your powers near her, because she can also siphon things not that she needs it because she's the strongest being to ever roam the universe, now second of all don't flirt with her seeing as she's a devil she is meant to be attractive to lure people in then she would torture kill or maim them so beware, now last but not least if shit does go tits up and she has to show her full form don't look because It isn't very pleasing to look at." I said all in one breath

"Ok well as long as she's coming then I'll debrief her and we'll come up with a plan." Steve said getting up to leave the room and Everyone did the same apart from Wanda who went to training because every night I can hear she has nightmares and me and her haven't been the closest so I never feel right comforting her.

I'm really dreading my sister coming here because knowing her she would fall for someone here then all hell breaks loose and shit goes down, but who knows.

I punched. Punched. Punched. Until I hear the sound of the punching bag hit the ground, tears blurring my vision, speaking of, "miss Wanda I just wanted to come in here to check if your alright because during our meetings you've been distant," vision said phasing into the room, "I'm fine" I said waving him off and moving to the targets ready to practice my powers which I haven't quite gained control over but I'm trying.

"Well wanda are you su-" "Yes vision I'm sure, now please just leave me be!" I yelled blasting my powers at him but he barely dodges, "umm well I guess I should leave then." Vision said phasing out of the room before I could apologise.

I practice my power projecting well at least tried to but nothing, it's like since pietro died my power control died with him.

I walked into my room too lazy for a shower and just collapsed onto my bed but all that I could think about was the devil, what does she look like, does she have a tail, and what if we're connected because Kai said his sister feeds off of chaos and that's my type of magic so that could either go two ways, one ,we get along and we benefit each other in battle or two ,she tries to eat me then I die and go to hel where I'm stuck being her siphon, god I really hope it's the first one, but the second one won't be so bad, at least I won't have to deal with all the avengers worrying about me constantly because they'll know I'm dead and can stop being my babysitters.

~ the next morning~
I was standing in the middle of a field and ultron was on the other side, I felt rage envelop me and I took off in a sprint ready to avenge my brother again.

As I got closer I formed my energy into a ball and punched it to ultron making him shoot back and I crouched next to him and raised my hand over his metallic chest and pull his heart out and as I look up to his face to see the life drain from his eyes, I'm met with the brown ones of my twin.

I pause looking at the heart in my hand, "this is y-your fault you told me t-to g-g-go." Pietro exclaimed before coughing up the remaining blood that wasn't seeping out the hole in his chest.

"Oh my god" I said trying to understand what just happened.

"Rise and shine!" Natasha yelled pulling the covers off my cold body,

"God your drenched in sweat, you must've had a fun night" Natasha chuckled at her own joke while I just layed still,

"I don't want to be up," I said, I only really like talking around nat, and listening to her tell me about the red room and her sister yelena and her red ledger, in some way we help each other through the guilt we feel.

"Well you have to be because in a few hours Kais sister is going to be here and well you seem the most calm about the fact that the devil will be coming here and staying with us for however long.

"It won't be that long, I mean maybe an hour or two max because while Steve is coming up with a plan I bet you she would already find riot then skin him alive and eat him." Kai said walking past the room carrying his breakfast.

"Ok then." Nat said pulling me up and pushing me into the bathroom and throwing me a towel and my clothes.

Time to meet the devil I guess.

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