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~WANDA POV.~ (violence in this chapter)

she trusts me, she really trusts me, "ok look I say you go back to the compound it'll give my blood to Wanda just in case and ill have to visit Hel really quickly to stack on my weapons, so ill just meet you at the warzone ok?" Maze said and we all agreed and she looked around then found a window and kicked it in and grabbed a shard of glass,

she ran the blade along her palm and opened her ring which I didn't even know could and put her blood in there, then gave me the ring. "don't drink that unless you have to because it would be very painful for a mortal because my brain process things 46,800x faster than your brain does." Maze said kissing my head as a goodbye and Steve, Tony, Clint, and Kai looked very confused, "show off, you just wanted to boast about how smart you are," I joked even though it wasn't the time.


I called upon the Bifrost and it shot me back into Hel, "we really need air conditioning!" I exclaimed surprising Hela who was torturing some old man, "my dear friend you are back, how has it been?" Hela said throwing me the crying man and I kicked him in the balls then set him on fire, "I'm just here to get weapons for a war with symbiotes, but it's been good... I met a girl" I said pausing before Hela screamed, "who is she, is she a demon, is she fun, is she pretty?" Hela bombarded me with questions, "her names wanda, she is a witch, she has chaos magic, she is very pretty," I said answering her questions,

"well I am very happy for you, what weapons do you plan to take?" Hela said walking to the armory, "Ill ask Mimir" Mimir is the god of knowledge but as the tale goes Odin cut off his head which isn't true as I was the one to do that but the dickhead Odin stole my achievement. I walked into the armory and Mimir's head lied on a cushion "ahh Maze how can I help you?" Mimir asked opening his eyes, "I'm fighting symbiotes but they are scientifically made, what weapons will do best to kill them?" "I think if you use skornfung and dainslief swords you will win the war, but I suggest taking jormungandr 'pet' as you call it," he suggested, "jormungandr...maybe next time,"

I walked to the two swords, if I infuse them into one it will be easier, I got to work, I spent about an hour melting and freezing it in eternal flame and punishing hell fire, so the sword won't break and will kill those in one touch and they will die a painful death.

time to go, as I was leaving I passed Jormungandr's chambers, definitely next time he is too much of a risk.

I summoned the Bifrost and directed myself to the warzone.

as soon as my feet touched the ground I ran to Wanda who stood by the avengers in a circle as symbiotes ran at them, these symbiotes were different they had 2 heads, and many of them had hands in the shapes of axes and knives.

"freeze," a man who I assume was the ex hydra agent yelled to the symbiotes and they all froze before they could reach us, "well looks like we have a guest...welcome Mazakeen of Hel, or the harbinger of chaos and death and discord, also known as the big bad Devil." "so you're a fan, good to know." I replied just as confident, "ah you don't remember me do you, of course, you wouldn't we met thousands of years ago, in the war of creatures vs gods, I'm sure you remember that battle?" as those words left this mouth my body went stiff, "whats he talking about?" Kai whispered to me,

"let me explain, you see Mazakeen never used to be alone controlling Hel, her mother helped, her mother started a war with other creatures over the title of queen of Hel, Mazakeen helped her, they killed trillions, including my daughter, Mazakeen didn't even blink an eye, eventually Mazakeen wanted the title for herself and killed her mother right after her mother gave birth to you Kai," Shit shit shit, I always told Kai our mother died from birth because he looked up to me, now he knows I was lying, what does Wanda think of me?

I turned to Wanda and she looked shocked, "that's why you didn't want me to take your blood, so I would find out you murdered your mother along with trillions," Wanda asked me with sadness laced in her voice.

"look'll give you a choice avengers, you go home carry on with the rest of your lives... and me and Mazakeen fight, now before you abject just remember she killed my daughter, I just want justice, I want to avenge her." as those words left his mouth I could hear the avenger's heart beats race faster, I turned to them to see their choice.

Clint stepped back, then Peter, Tony, Steve, Nat and Kai, but Wanda stared into my eyes waiting for an explanation but I didn't give her one, "you did this to yourself," was all she said before she stepped back "I blamed myself for years and you pretended to be so innocent but it was you who killed mother all along not me, you!" Kai yelledand all the avengers turned and walked into the jet and left.

my own brother, the girl of my dreams, it's not like they didn't kill people, but mine was for selfish reasons.

"so you became a hydra agent?" I said composing myself as I heard the jet take off, "yes just to get intel on where the riot was," "I remember you, your name is Kane, I made you watch me kill your daughter because she was in my way," I said but mostly to myself to remember my killer side, "exactly, so now I'm going to imprison you and make you watch as I destroy everything you fought for," Kane said as he raised his hands and all the symbiotes ran to me.

I untethered my sword and let my full form come forward, my veins turned black, my eyes black with a tint of red and I grew to about 9 ft tall and my nails grew and my mouth slit at the sides so it could fit my fangs, fire coming from every step I took.

i swung the sword and it cut the symbiotes head off and it perished to ash, repeated this while scratching at them and they set afire, i swung blindly because there were about 2000, usually this would be nothing but i couldn't get Wanda's face out of my mind, one of them pushed me and i fell and they al collapsed ontop of me, i felt blood, but the weird thing is it was mine, i look down at their special claws to see it dripping with Odin venom something created as reassurance to Odin that he could control me,

I felt their claws dig into me, that was the first time I felt physical pain like that, high pitch noise, I remembered their weakness, I gathered all the pain felt it course through my veins just like I taught wanda, I let out the deadly screech and the symbiotes shook and yelled in pain, I could feel the chaos, I siphoned every last drop of chaos and felt myself heal, all the symbiotes were either disconnected form the host and trying to get away, or lying lifeless and limp by my feet.

i punched the ground and watched the Hel fire kill the symbiotes, i turned to Kane who had fear written over his face, i walked to him slowly turning into my normal form, i walked up to him and placed my hands on his shoulders and he flinched,

"I'm sorry," it came out like a whisper but it was still said and he heard me, I knew I couldn't go back to the avengers, so I'm left with going back to Hel, I definitely caused chaos, my brother hates me, wanda is disappointed, the avengers are disgraced by me, but what did they expect I'm the devil.

i walked away from a shocked Kane, but i wasn't just walking away from that im walking away from wanda, im walking away from Kai.

i summoned the bifrost, back to Hel for me.

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