The raft

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Maze POV

"Ok so say it again." I said to Bøurn.

All the demons sat in front of me and we all faced Bøurn, the only drama we got in hel was pretty boring so Bøurn uodatijng me on what Wanda does -leaving out the spicy details- is the only entertainment to me and the demons.

"There's something called the Sokovia accords, it's this fat book of documents which mean the avengers are controlled by the UN, 117 countries agree. The avengers divided, Wanda, Steve, Bucky, Sam, ant man. Then the rest on the other side. Tony's side was against Bucky because aparently Bucky went all winter soldier and blew up a building and killed king TCHaka, and right now they're are fighting in an airport." Bøurn said out of breath.

She had been travelling evrday which had been taking a toll on her but that didn't matter to me.

"Well tomorrow you go back, since it's been 7 months since I was in Midgard, I won't be able to travel and get Wanda back." I said to Bøurn and she just nodded.

"Can I speak to you in private?" Bøurn said and I just nodded and dismissed everyone out of the room, apart from hela and Kai since they were close to me.

"I'm not saying you should assume anything but vision has been comforting her a lot." Bøurn said wincing slightly waiting for my reaction.

"Cool cool cool cool cool." I muttered then turned around to my throne. I took a deep breath in, I let out a loud scream and brought my fists down in the throne and it smashed to pieces.

"I'm not going to assume anything but once I go up there I'm going to kill anyone that goes near her." I said as some demons brought a new throne into the room.

"You should rest then tomorrow it's a new day and new information, and you'll be closer to going to see her." Kai said reassuring me.

-time skip-

I waited on my throne and so did the demons, they loved the drama, "Maze!" Bøurn said running into the throne room, "You're 4 minutes early, go back up, I told you to spend exactly 12 hours up there!" I yelled standing from my throne.

"It's Wanda, she's locked up!" Bøurn said ignoring my orders, "what do you mean?" I said finally registering what she said.

"This Ross guy took her since she didn't sign the accords, she is locked up somewhere called the raft." Bøurn said and my head snapped up, so did Kai's.

Kai wasn't worried about Loki since he and Thor went back to Asgard so they could communicate once a month through the portals on the full moon.

"I'm going up there!" I yelled and ran to the biforst room, "you can't you'll die!" Hela said grabbing into my arm.

"Let go!" I said flashing my devil eyes. "You'll be risking your life, just to get her," hela said "yes" I replied snatching my arm back running to the bifrost room.

"The only problem is getting through the bifrost, if I can get through that I'll be fine. I can get through the bifrost if I feed from chaos." I said loads of thoughts rushing through my brain.

"We release the bad people, shit goes tits up, then you feed off the chaos." Hela said and I just nodded.

Kai and her ran to the chambers. I heard alarms go off and I immediately reached my hand to the ground, I heard screaming and demon calls which were basically screeching, I blocked out the noise, and felt the power flowing into my veins, it felt like drinking cold water after a marathon.

Eventually the power felt like fire, "HEIMDALL!" I called and saw the bifrost envelop me immediately.

I opened my eyes to see I was falling through the sky.

"Ohh shitt!" I yelled as my eyes adjusted to the light and saw the sea 30 metres down. "HEIMDALL YOU SON OF A BI-" I was cut off when the cold icy salty water hit me like a ton of bricks.

My ears clogged and I pushed my self up to the surface to get air. I looked down at my hands to see the chaos still flowing through my veins.

Right now I would be stronger than ever. I squinted my eyes to see a building in the middle of the sea. "Couldn't have dropped me there?" I said looking up to the sky knowing HEIMDALL was listening.

I summoned the power and blasted up in the air in the direction of the raft.

I landed very roughly on the landing. I heard an alarm blast very very loudly.

Guards tried to surround me, I let my full form take over. 'Ok Maze...go crazy' I said go myself and let go of all sanity.

I killed all moving things in sight. As I walked through the raft trying to find Wanda. I heard a whooshing sound and my reflexes were too quick.

I caught a shiny metallic shield, I emerged from the shadows to see cap and nat, watching me with shocked eyes.

"Wanda?" I gritted through my fangs asking for her location, Nat just pointed to he right. I nodded and walked past both of them and walked in the direction they told me to.

I saw a metal door which I could see was made from vibrainium, it only took one breath of helfire and the door melted.

The sight made my stomach churn with many different emotions.

Pain at the sight of her with a shock collar and straight jacket on, and joy at seeing her.

"Nice shoes." I said gesturing to her ugly purple shoes. She looked up to me and chuckled "you should see the socks." She said trying to stand and I grabbed her and went back to my normal form.

"I got you." I said helping her stand up. "Your here." She said leaning into me. I undid her straight jacket and even though she was in a small black tank top I still found it extremely hot.

"Keep it in your pants until we get home." Wanda said wrapping her hands around my neck.

I leaned down to kiss her, she reached on her tippy toes, her plump soft lips collided with mine passionately and my hand moved from her lower back to her thighs and I hoisted her up against the wall.

As we continued and things were getting even more heated, a cough interupted us.

"Do you really think we wouldn't get you?" Ross said, without even breaking the kiss Wand and i blasted him with our powers, I used helfire and she used her energy and he went flying and a distant splash could be heard.

"Guys we got to go," Nat said running with the rest of the crew. Hesitantly I leaned away from Wanda heaving.

"There are many safe houses since we are fugitives until Tony can sort this shit out, so you guys will go to Scotland." Nat said while Steve let out a quiet 'language'

"Scotland it is!" I said not letting Wanda go

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