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Maze POV

Wanda layed peacefully beside me, her bare back facing away from me. It's been a year since Thanos, vision is being 'remade' without the mind stone in wakanda, all the avengers are living happily with their families. Everything is peaceful, a bit boring but peaceful.

"We should get up," I whispered to Wanda and ran my finger along her spine. After she didn't respond I did get a bit worried. My eyebrows furrowed instinctively, I slowly put my hand on the side of Wanda's neck where her pulse is just to be sure.

"Are you checking my pulse." I retracted my hand quickly and let out a little shocked scream. Wanda turned around to face me as I put my hand on my heart to make sure it was still there and didn't drop to my arse when Wanda scared the shit out of me.

Wanda just let out a loud laugh and threw her head back further into the pillow reminding me of last night when she threw her head back but for a different reason.

"Let's get breakfast, come on." Wanda said waddling out of bed and pulling me with her. I just let out a groan, I didn't want to get up yet.

We both got changed into my clothes, I had black sweatpants with a oversized graphic shirt and Wanda put on her long sleeve shirt with a flowy skirt, which she looked very beautiful in.

"Morning Kai." Wanda said to Kai who sat on the kitchen island, he just gave her a tight lipped smile on response, "sup man," I said grabbing a protein bar, "morning." Kai relied.

I could tell the difference in response annoyed Wanda. We both moved into the lounge where the other avengers were, including Steve, Nat, Clint, Tony, Thor, Bucky, Sam, and Loki.

"Did Kai say morning to you guys?" Wanda asked the others and they all nodded. As they nodded I looked to Loki, when he nodded his neck had a bruise on it, similar to the one Kai had, I knew they liked each other.

"How come he says morning to you guys but not to me?" Wanda said fidgeting with her rings in deep thought, I turned to her and could see that it bothered her a lot.

"Well we have known Kai longer, and after the whole thing with your brother you just shut everyone out until maze came along so you didn't really get to know him." Thor said polishing his hammer.

Wanda looked down at the mention of her brother, "just bond with him over something." Nat said flicking through the tv channels.

"What does he like?" Wanda said looking to me as I was sticking magnets on Bucky's arm as he slept. "He likes football, big Tottenham fan." I said with disgust, personally I'm a arsenal fan, I always watched it in Hel.

"What that?" Everyone collectively asked,
"Tottenham, it's a football team, horrible if you ask me, arsenal is wayyyy better." I said grabbing another magnet.

"Ok, I can work with that information." Wanda said grabbing her laptop and searching stuff up.

We all just lounged about for a bit, watched tv and joked, "who wants to go out for lunch?" Tony said and we all agreed apart from Kai, something about not getting enough sleep and Loki chuckling.

"I'll stay and keep Kai company." Wanda said and Kai just gave a Curt nod. I knew what her plan was.


"So did you watch the Tottenham match yesterday?" I asked and Kai's head snapped to me.

"You support Tottenham? I would of thought you support arsenal considering your dating Maze and she is like a arsenal die hard fan." Kai said and I just scoffed, "are you kidding me, Tottenham is my team." I said acting super confident and we both moved to the tv room and put on the match.

We both watched them play, considering how I searched the whole team up for about an hour, I was basically just regurgitating what I had read.

I looked over to Kai as some guy on the tv was moving closer to the goal, "come on..." kai said as he leaned closer to the tv, I copied what he did trying to seem like I know what I was doing.

The guy scored and we both jumped up yelling and cheering. "This is so fun." I said trying to see if Kai was having a good time, "yea yea it is." Kai said paying attention to the screen. I leaned back out of his eye line and punched the air in victory, yes mission accomplished.

Silan POV

We all walked into the facility pushing each other slightly with some pizza for Kai and Wanda, hopefully they are getting along.

I walked in to the facility and paused at the sight, it made sick rise up and I felt it in the back of my throat. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I screamed anger filling my body.

Wanda sat there innocently but turned to me with fear on her face, SHE WAS WEARING A TOTTENHAM SHIRT. "What? Jealous she is actually supporting a good team." Kai said giving her a high five, and Wanda just nodded but once Kai turned she gave a small smile.

"So you support Tottenham now?" I said as I moved closer to her and the others just snickered. "Yep." Wanda said nodding slowly.

"Look that doesn't matter everybody go to bed we have an early start tomorrow, we have a mission at 4 am." Steve said ushering us all out.

I rolled my eyes and went into Wanda and my room. I took off my clothes and put on a big jumper as pyjamas.

Wanda walked in not long after me with that Tottenham shirt on. "Me and Kai are getting on well, I feel like he thinks of me as a friend and not just your girlfriend." Wanda said getting into the bed, I just nodded. I wanted to feel happy for her but when she wore that shirt...just no.

"Ok...I tried, either take the shirt off or get out of the bed, it would be a disgrace to arsenal to let you in my bed with a Tottenham shirt on." I said pushing Wanda out the bed.

Her mouth hung open in exaggerated shock. "Wow, are you serious?" Wanda said chuckling lightly and I just nodded.

"How about you take it off me?" Wanda said leaning closer to me and the whole mood in the room changed.

"I'll take it off you if you admit that arsenal is better than Tottenham," I said leaning closer to Wanda slightly pulling her down, she just smirked and leaned to me ear "make me." She said slightly nipping my ear.

I smirked and went to pull Wanda down but the speakers in the room blasted. "Mr Rogers has told me to remind you that you have an early morning and 'no funny business will be tolerated'." Friday said and I just rolled my eyes and laid fully on the bed.

"Steve just because you don't get any doesn't mean you stop everyone else." I yelled and I heard Nat burst out laughing seeing as her room was just opposite ours.

"Just go to bed," Steve replied.

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