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I opened my eyes to the bright light shining through the curtains, this was the first day in months I've had without having nightmares, I have to thank Maze for that.

speaking of Maze, after I hugged her last night she said she wasn't that tired and just left the room, I'm not quite sure where she went but ill ask her today.

"morning Wanda, we are having breakfast in 5 minutes, where is Maze?" Tony said watching Steve flip pancakes, "I don't know where Maze is, she didn't sleep in my room." I said and started to panic because she is the devil, so she might have done some shit-stirring in the compound.

"no need to fret she needed nutrition and she went to go visit an old 'friend' if you know what I mean," Kai said winking as he strutted into the kitchen, "I don't know what you mean?" Steve said turning to face Kai while putting pancakes on a plate, "god do I have to explain everything to you youths?" Kai said annoyed, "I'm not a youth I'm 100," Steve said matter of factly, "well I'm two thousand so you are a youth, but Maze went to go get her daily blood and went to visit a demon called Lila who basically her and Maze used to do some freaky things with each other, one time I walked in on them an-" Kai was cut off by tony yelling "OK THAT'S ENOUGH I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT ANY ONE's SEX LIFE APART FROM MY OWN!"

I felt the weight on my chest again, she was with another girl, someone who she was known to be more than flirty with, god I'm so stupid, I'm catching feelings for the big bad devil, but to be honest she doesn't seem that dangerous.

we all sat around the table eating breakfast, tony and steve talking about how to take riot down and nat and clint debating what the best choke hold is and Kai was watching tv drinking some goat blood, "How come Maze doesn't just drink animal blood like you?" I asked Kai, "she is much stronger so if she doesn't feed on chaos she has to feed on blood, which is why I didn't want her to meet you because you have chaos coursing through your veins so if she took even a sip of your blood she would never have to drink blood or feed on anything for eons to come." Kai said nonchalantly, "you invited the devil who could basically have a little taste tester of my blood and she would be set for eternity, you let me get that close to her ARE YOU MAD!" I said angrily that important information was kept from me.

"calm down darling I wouldn't have done anything...unless you would be into that," Maze said smirking as she walked through the door with blood dripping from her mouth, she wiped it away but I still couldn't drag my eyes from her lips and down her body until they stopped on her neck where HICKIES lied and just like that I was filled with rage, "can I speak to you Maze in private...please?" I said anger spitting from my tone, "are you sure you want to be alone with me because you just yelled about being left alone with me?" Maze said mocking my fear.

I dragged her into the training room, "stop flirting with me especially since you have a girlfriend." I said pointing to the hickeys sprinkled all over her neck, "oh so you're jealous, don't be Lila is just a one-time thing when I'm bored," Maze said leaning close to my ear and nipping at it, "guys steve want you guys back in the meeting roo- OH MY GOD!" Nat said then immediately shut the door and I ran after her to explain to her.

"Nat it wasn't like that, she was just being a flirt, besides I wouldn't do anything with the devil," I said trying to convince Nat and she nodded her head but still seemed suspicious.

when we all got into the meeting room steve stood up and walked to the head f the table, "we suspect riots base is here in the mountains, now we all know each other's abilities apart from Maze so we learn what Maze can do then we attack," steve said nodding to Maze who had shades on but didn't see focused at all, I tried to read her mind but I felt a sharp sting in my head, "ahhh" I groaned the pain getting worse the more I tried, "huh what," Maze jolted up from her sleep, "Sorry cap was boring me, you good?" Maze asked me as I was holding my head and I just nodded.

"well I can do many things, first of all... I can mimic anyone's capabilities, read minds, manipulate minds, siphon chaos, I am the strongest and fastest being in the universe, and most importantly I'm immortal," Maze said arrogantly clearly amused by all the looks of shock, "what if someone cuts your head off?" Clint asked, "well I cant bleed unless done by myself purposely, I also cant feel pain, so it's impossible for someone to cut my head off and even if they did it wouldn't hurt and I would still be able to talk and I couldn't die." Maze said as if she had said that question before.

"Sounds good to me, lets just send Maze there and when she kills riot, we show fury then problem solved." Kai said and I shook my head "that wouldn't work because apparently, people travel in and out of riots base and one of them being a known high ranking ex hydra agent so we find out the info from riot then kill him then we take down whats left of hydra and then problem solved." i responded playing with my chipped nais and i could see Maze smirk.

"well lets go then." Maze said as she got up but Tony grabbed her arm first, "look if your so knowledgable then fix witchys powers because i saw her in training and they arent working and if this mission goes south i would like reassurance that we have scarlet witch on our side working." Maze just turned to me and nodded her head in training room direction.

I met Maze in the training room, as soon as I walked in a knife was thrown at me but barely missed me, "ARE YOU CRZY!" i yelled at Maze, "Odd...you survival instincts are disconnected to powers which means its controlled by emotion." Maze muttered to herself then smirked,

"Wanda whats the most powerful emotion in the world?" Maze asked as she stalked towards me and i became more cautious, "sadness?" i said and she shook her head no, "joy?" again no, "its fear, you see fear can make even the strongest of men vulnerable, so what scares you?" she asked tilting her and i copied her, "that it was my fault, that my brothers death was my fault," i said ashamed of myself and she just nodded,

"it was, it was all your fault, in fact i think he deserved to die, he was careless and stupid being a human shield, but you were the one who told him to go so its your fault." Maze said and that weight felt like it was all over my body this time and i saw a hallucination of him in front of me, "your not real, your not real, your fake, you died, YOU DIED!" i screamed at the top of my lungs, and as i did i felt energy build up but it was too much for my body and i felt myself collapsing, before i could hit the ground i felt Mazes arms wrap around me like a shield protecting me.

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