hot as hel

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What is wrong with me, I rushed into my room. as soon as that devil woman nearly touched me I felt something flow through me and go right to my core. This has never happened, hopefully, they just think I thought the siphoning or whatever it's called freaked me out and not the fact that I'm so touch-deprived that when someone touched my cheek I became horny, I just need a cold shower then ill be fine.

~after shower around lunch~

I walked down in my jumper and sweats, "Everyone is in the training room miss, you can watch or wait as they'll be finished in 30 minutes to have lunch." Friday said as walked into the lounge, 'll just watch them train, and honestly, I cant wait to see the devil woman again I wish I could remember her name.

"how come miss Devil doesn't have to train!" Kai said mimicking my 'nickname' for her, "you can't call me that," I heard her raspy voice as I quietly entered the room, "why, wanda calls you that?" Kai said annoyed at the biases, " she can but you can't" The devil said walking closer throwing knives at the targets and hitting their eyes then chest then crotch, "why?" Kai said like a little kid that reminded me of how Pietro used to act when he wanted me to buy him some food from the market.

"because she is hot and you are not, she also not my brother, and she is also terrible at stealth," the Devil woman said turning around facing and smirking at me, everyone then turned to us, steve and clint who were training together were panting from the training while Tony and Nat were grinning ear to ear at me and the Devil woman,

"I dibs training with wanda," Kai said quickly which I presume is to stop the devil from siphoning me, "she is not an object she trains with who she wants, but know that if you are worried about me siphoning her, I wouldn't don't worry." the devil reassured, "I don't mind training with the miss Devil," I said and she just chuckled at my nickname,

"maybe next time, I'm starving, come on LETS EAT LUNCH!" Clint yelled, and we all followed him but I watched as the devil eyed me intensely as if reading me like a book, and I didn't like it.

"I'm starving whose hosting?" the devil said and Kai didn't seem focused as he was on his phone playing a game, "well I mean I'm the one paying so yeah I'm hosting," Tony said unsure, "good how brave of you!" the devil said excitedly as her teeth elongated and she sped to Tony and her teeth connected with his arms and he let out the most painful scream someone could,

Kai shot up and tapped the devil on the shoulder "stop please Maze" the devil obliged, Maze that's her name it suits her very well, I mean it's a hot name, and she's a hot woman. " what? he said he was hosting" Maze said but I could see the amusement in her eyes, and I didn't understand why until everyone started arguing, steve and Kai were defending Maze saying she didn't know and Tony and Clint yelling at her and Kai about how Tony might die while Nat looked bored but cautious like always,

"stop, don't you see what she been doing, she's creating chaos, making you argue," I said and they all paused and Maze's eyes never left mine "well finally someone on earth who is actually smart," Maze said and I know it was a joke but I couldn't help but feel honored,

"well how about we forget about this and eat, I just ordered pizza, and I got the one with a lot of meat for Hannibal Lecter over here," Nat said, "stop with the nicknames its fine when witchy over there says it but it's disrespectful when it comes from your mouths," Maze said and again I still couldn't help feeling honored,

"While we wait, what about the mission with riot," I said and I could still feel Maze's eyes raking over my body but not in a gross old man way but more in an appreciation way, one which gives me confidence.

"We know Riot is a symbiote who latched onto one of Starks rockets then came to earth and has to have a host to live, currently in the last 2 weeks he has been through 16 hosts, and he can form weapons with his weird symbiote hands, weakness is unknown-" steve was cut off by Maze "fire and loud screeching sound, I have had a little run-in with symbiotes and riot is the leader, but they also are born to not fear death or hel so threatening him won't work so I suggest getting a huge flame thrower and a speaker and problem solved," Maze said as she went to leave, but I was too quick,

"where are you going?" "I just solved your little problem, so I'm going back to Hel with my nice big bed, I mean you could always join-" Maze flirting but was cut off when Kai went to throw his shoe at Maze but she turned around and caught it and threw it back and he flew with it making a hole in 4 walls,

"umm... you can't leave the whole reason we invited you here was to help execute the plan not just make one," Nat said ignoring a groaning Kai, "I'm fine thanks for asking" Kai yelled,

"fine whatever but I'm sharing a room with witchy," Maze said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me along into the corridors of the bedroom which I'm not sure how she knows but I mean she is the devil, I blushed as it finally hit me that I'm holding her hand.

"you don't have control over your powers, why?" Maze asked once we got back into my room, "I never had full control," I lied and she didn't believe it, "you lost someone right?" Maze said curiosity laced her voice, I just nod feeling the weight on my chest that Pietro is gone,

"if you want I can see if they are having a fun time up there," Maze said and it wasn't her usual flirty voice but one which sounded emotive, "you mean like heaven," Maze just nodded "his name is...was Pietro," I said and that was the first time I had said his name aloud.


The truth is there is no heaven there's hel which is the eternal punishment then there's peace where it's contentment but not heaven, but I know what it feels like to lose someone and the least I could do was give her some peace of mind.

I closed my eyes, I have never done this for anyone but she special, I cast myself to Hela to see her in bed with the god and goddess of pleasure, "eww come on guys, my bed really?" I said and they all jumped, "come to join the party we-" "actually I need Hela to search for a Pietro I need to know if he's here," I said cutting off the god, "ok one second," Hela said then whizzed off and was back in 10 seconds, "no Pietro so I assume he is in peace." Hela said and I just nodded and opened my eyes.

"he's happy," I said and Wanda just smiled, I knew it was wrong and usually I was all for wrong but this felt different, Wanda smiled and ran up to me and did the weirdest thing ever, she hugged me.

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