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~Wanda POV.~
A bright light overtook my vision, I blinked my eyes only to see no aliens or thanos just avengers, demons, and Maze on the ground passed our glowing from all the power she just siphoned.

"Oh my god Maze...please wake up...please" I ran over to her and shook her but she wasn't waking up, I realised she was in her full form because her teeth were fangs and her body was covered in runes and some were bleeding.

All the avengers and demons surrounded us and Jørmungandr slithered over to Maze and roared in her face but she didn't even flinch, "she need something really strong to bring her back, Wanda give her your blood," Kai said tears brimming his eyes,

I looked to Jørmungandr and he opened his mouth and I put my hand on his tooth and scratched it, I put my hand to her mouth and she wasn't drinking, I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes.

I felt her lips move against my hand, she sat up and let out a horrible screech that made all of us cover our ears.

She panted out of breath "I need a cigarette." She said boredly.

Once our eyes met I felt something that I haven't felt in months well technically years but what I thought would be months,

"I'm so glad your ok!" Steve and Tony enveloped her into a hug and so did the others,

"Where's Nat?" She asked and I wondered that too all of the avengers let their head hang low, "Jørmungandr retrieve her by any means I don't care if you have to break Hel to get her." Jørmungandr took off back into the hole in the ground,

I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit jealous but that didn't matter.

As Maze stood up her shirt got ripped and she was left standing in her bra and shorts, everyone looked away apart from me,

Seeing her like this reminded of the times we kissed and she saw me naked, and even the time when she painted me.

'I can hear you thoughts' Maze telepathically told me and I blushed,

"Wanda your bleeding," I looked down and saw blood was dripping from my suit, Maze quickly pushed me on the ground and opened my suit "oh-everyone look away show her some respect" Nat said running over to us and everyone ran to her and all hugged her,

Maze didn't let me move as she took her ring that she gave me which contained her blood, she took her blood and poured it over my wounds and they all healed but I felt myself linking with her.

"But your brain... I remember you saying that it's too fast for me" I asked "that was a lie, well my brain is super smart but it wouldn't affect you, you would just be able to read my mind," she said kissing my wounds and they healed fully.

"Wanda and Maze needs rest let them go while stark gets someone to clean up this shit then we all go out get cheeseburgers and catch up." Nat said and we all obliged but as Maze was helping me up Mat gave me a wink and raised her eyebrows suggestively.

She was right, I am head over heals for Maze and she has been the most supportive person I know and has been kind and amazing to me and there were speed bumps but I think we both deserve to have pleasure.

"You know I can hear your thought right?" Maze said as she helped me to my room, "and I totally agree." Maze said slamming her lips to mine while pushing me onto the bed,

My fingers ran along her bra and unclamped it while I laid further back on the bed, Maze unclamped my bra as well and stripped me of all of my clothing and peppered kisses from my chest to my core then bent down further and kissed my left thigh then skimmed over where I craved attention most and kissed my right thigh, god she's killing me.

"Please" I begged her and I could telepathically feel her get even more horny, "please Mazakeen I'm begging you" I said and tried to push her face into my core but she was too strong, "i love when you say Mazakeen." She mumbled and pressed light kisses to my core.

She finally licked a strip from my entrance to my clit and I moaned being so touch-deprived. She sucked and nipped at my clit and I couldn't help the moans which escaped my mouth, I felt a coil building in my stomach, Maze shoved 3 fingers into my entrance and slammed them in and out faster and faster and I felt the coil in my stomach feel like it was about to snap, I was a moaning mess,

"Baby not yet." Maze told me and pulled her fingers out of me and moved closer to my face and peppered kisses in my neck, "use you magic." Maze instructed me and I obeyed, I raised my hand and send vibration to Mazakeen core and she let out a guttarul moan,

I kept using my magic while she sucked at my neck and rammed her fingers into me this time even deeper and she hit my g-spot continuously,

"I'm gonna cum," she mumbled into my neck and I just moaned in agreement, as our moan were in sync she somehow went deeper causing my magic to be more violent as I gripped her hair and she let out animalistic groan into my neck from all the vibrations I was sending to her core.

Our moans became faster and more urgent until I couldn't hold back anymore and I release and she did to she let me ride out my high then she brought her fingers to her mouth and licked them clean, she then kissed me and I could taste myself.

I looked at wanda beneath me and it was a sight, I planted many kisses on her breasts.

I looked up and saw her eyes were heavy, but she was trying to hide it but failing miserably.

Without saying anything I picked her and walked to the bathroom with her in my arms bridal style. I turned on the bath and as we were waiting I set Wanda on the sink counter and kissed her cute little nose when she scrunched it.

I sat in the bath with her in my lap and she was drifting of to sleep as I washed her hair and her body careful because I could tell she was going to be sore in the morning because that must of been the first action she has got in years.

I wrapped a towel around her and placed her in bed and I snuggled close behind her spooning her, this was nice, this is what I wanted.

I mean Hela has always wanted to control Hel so I could let her while me and Jørmungandr chill with Wanda and everyone will be happy.

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