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Maze POV

We all were spread out in a abandoned wear house, "so you don't support Tottenham?" Kai whispered through the comms to Wanda, I just rolled my eyes. "Shut up and pay attention." Clint said and I just let out a chuckle.

We were supposed to be capturing some people who were trying to restart hydra, but so far we couldn't see anything.

"Looking for me?" I turned around to see a man pointing a gun at me. "Seriously dude, I'm the devil, your bullets may be lethal to mortals, but not to me." I said walking towards him,

His hand shook, I couldn't help the chuckle, I could hear the other avengers running to where I am, but not that I needed back up.

It seems that the hydra guy also heard the avengers because his eyes dotted around cautiously then he re aimed the gun back at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"Did she not tell you she was the devil?" Kai said chuckling, as the avengers all stood behind me.

The guy looked very panicked and fired the gun at me, "idiot." Tony muttered as he shit the hydra guy with his iron man suit and Nat cuffed him.

I went to step towards them but paused in my step, I felt a piercing pain shoot through me abdomen, the other avengers were all discussing among themselves about the mission, so no one noticed when my step faltered.

"Hey, you ok?" Wanda said as I registered what just happened, "I was shot." I said and Wanda just got confused, "and I'm bleeding." I said and the other avengers head shot to mine.

"Oh my god... BRUCE!" Wanda yelled as I slid down a pillar clutching my stomach, they all rushed to me, "was it a special bullet," "it has to be" "is she ok?" All these voices echoing through my brain.

"Everybody shut up." Wanda yelled and I winced slightly, Bruce was inspecting the wound and it felt like someone was constantly stabbing me, "I'm going to get the bullet, someone get the jet here, it has my aid kit." Bruce said digging his fingers into my bullet wound.

I let out a piercing scream, I felt the devil form reaching foward but slightly being weaker. My scream lasted as long as Bruce was searching for the bullet.

"I've got it." Bruce said yanking it out as everyone was panicking and pacing around or trying to calm Wanda down considering how her hands were forming her red energy.

I put my hand on hers as Bruce inspected the bullet. "It's a normal bullet." Bruce said examining the bullet.

"That makes no sense." Kai said as sweat dripped down his forehead, "your sweating, demons don't sweat, we're from hel that shouldn't be possible." I said pointing at Kai,

He ran his hand over his for head and looked at his hand with fear. "What does that mean?" Clint asked adjusting hearing aid something he did when he was nervous.

Kai, Loki, Thor and I all looked towards each other, we knew what this meant, "the scripture." Loki said his jaw tightening and nostrils flaring.

"What scripture?" Nat said eyeing all of us. I went to go say but winced as Bruce was stitching me up. "There's a scripture of rules for the powerful beings of Hel," I said grabbing onto Wanda's hand tightly.

"We all thought it was just a made up set of rules, one of the rules is if one is out of place their powers will return back to the right place." Loki said gesturing to Kai and me. "That makes no sense." Tony said confused.

"That's the literal translation, it means if she leaves hel her powers leave her." Thor said his chest rising at unnatural pace.

I looked to see Wanda, but she was trying to process what was happening. "Guys it's not that serious, I'll go to hel for like a year or two, then come back." I said standing up since Bruce finished stitching me up.

Everyone slightly nodded, apart from Wanda, "let's go back to the facility then we'll discuss this." Tony said eating some blueberries and handing us some.

We all sat in the jet now, Kai talking to Loki about returning to hel, Wanda sat next to me but she hasn't said anything to me since we got in the jet.

"Are you ok?" I asked rubbing her back slightly, she just nodded. "That's very convincing." I said sarcastically but Wanda didn't seem amused.

"How can you make jokes, your going to leave me for a year or two." Wanda said angrily.

"But I'll come back." I said confused at her anger. "But I won't have any communication with you." Wanda said fed up, "how are you so calm!" Wanda yelled and I just raised my eyebrows at how venomous her tone was,

"Well I think our relationship can stand that." I said calmly and Wanda just huffed, "it's like our relationship is one sided." Wanda huffed again and I tilted my head.

"One sided...one sided? You think it's one sided because I think our relationship can withstand not seeing each other for a year?" I said anger filling me,

"Why can't you just stay with me, so what you won't have your powers?" Wanda said and by now we clearly had everyone's attention but they acted like they weren't listening.

"Wanda.." I trailed off, I didn't know how to put what I was feeling into words, it's so frustrating. I stopped for a few seconds and searched for the words, "I worked so hard for the power I have, I can't just give it up, I wouldn't be able to live with that," I said regaining my calm.

"Well then you wouldn't be able to live with me." Wanda said clenching her jaw, "what am I supposed to do without you?" Wanda said tears welling in her eyes.

"You'll be fine, trust me, I'll be back before you know it." I said as the jet landed. Wanda just stormed off.

As I got out the jet Jørmungandr slithered his way to me destroying the grass, "no regard for lawn maintenance." Tony said walking past me into the facility.

"Jørmungandr we'll go back to hel soon." I said and he just nodded and slithered back to his cave.

"Heimdall is busy apparently there's some problems, so if you want to go do it now." Thor said and Kai turned to Loki to say goodbye.

I turned to Wanda, she just shook her head and tears streaked down her face, "Wanda, I'll be back as soon as I get my powers, I'll be there for you, you won't be alone." I said caressing her cheek and she leaned into my hand.

"Please don't go." Wanda voice cracked and it felt like my heart cracked as well. "Baby I have to," I said placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"You really need to get wifi or something in hel." Wanda said pressing her forehead to mine, I just chuckled.

I heard the bifrost in the distance, "wait before we go." Kai said as he ran to us and took a Polaroid photo of Wanda, he handed it to me, "and this is for you." Kai said throwing a Tottenham shirt at Wanda, "no." I said about to snatch the shirt away from her but the bifrost reached me before I could take it.

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