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I caught Wanda right before she hit the ground, I know I was being harsh but I need to understand her powers, this was the best way.

"Wanda, what did you feel right before you collapsed?" I asked my tone extremely different from the venomous one I used during the training, "I felt this energy" wanda said still trying to compose herself, "Wanda, I think your powers come from your anger and pain, I inspired fear into you and your body turned that into pain and your powers were a way to release it but right now its all building up and if I wasn't here to help you I think you would be dead in the next few weeks." I said sitting her up on the bench and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"so you expect me to be grateful that you made me see my dead brother and nearly pass out?" she retorted back sarcastically, "if anyone spoke to me like that I would have separated their thumbs from their body and shove them up to their arse, but I won't do it to you because I like you," I told wanda and she looked at me a way no one has, "you like me?" wanda said and I realised the weight of my words, "well yeah...anyway now let's focus on your powers," I said as I pulled her up by her hands.

"alright now face the targets," she did as she was told which is good to know, now I have an idea. "now when you were in pain, you felt like a weight was on your chest pushing you into the ground." "How did you know that?" she asked as I moved to stand right behind her, "I'm the devil darling, I know everything." I joked.

I placed my hand on her shoulders, "now feel that pain, grief, and hurt and imagine it flow throughout veins taking over your blood cells, imagine it travelling from your chest to your shoulders," I said as I trailed my fingers across her shoulders, "now feel it course to your hands", my hand raised her arms to point at the targets, and anywhere I touched her body goosebumps arose on her beautiful smooth skin, one thing that was even more distracting was the hormones she was giving off, and I could tell she was horny and I couldn't help but smirk liking the idea that I gave her that feeling.

"Now imagine all that pain being shot out and leaving you," I said as I grabbed her hips to steady her, which was the best idea as she shot a powerful blast that obliterated all the equipment around us but luckily I shielded her from the debris of the ceiling cracking.

"Woah" was all she said and I couldn't help but smile at her, "what?" she asked as turned around to face me and my hands still on her hips, "nothing... come on we have to go get info from a symbiote then kill I'm than go after the ex hydra agents." I said and she just chuckled and went to pull away but I tighten my grip, "I'm not going to tell you to stay here because that would be unfair but if you feel scared or in danger then stand behind me and ill protect you ok?" I told her, "that was really cheesy, you being all 'don't worry ill protect you', I can protect myself" she said and I shook my head and chuckled, "I'm just saying, symbiote are nasty and skilful so be careful." I said and she just nodded and I smiled, " ok let's go." she said pulling away from me and leaving to the jet.


"ohhhh riot," I said sing-song and the avengers shot me a glare since we were supposed to be stealthy but I knew this would cause chaos.

I heard a roar from behind, I turned and in the entrance of a cave stood riot in all his ugly glory, "damn I forgot symbiote was so ugly, well apart from venom he hits different anyway...riot tells us about hydra" I said and he chuckled and turned back into his host, which was a 5-year-old girl and the team froze not expecting a 5-year-old, "I'm just here because my home was destroyed whatever Maze told you was a lie." riot said in a cute voice, "cut the bullshit," I yelled and threw my dagger at the 5-year-old and it cut her hand right off, "what the fuck Maze that's a kid!" as Kai said that riot transformed into the symbiote and everyone let out a disgusted groan at the sight.

"I'm not a what do the people call it...a snitch." riot said as he went to punch steve with his left hand since his right was gone, but wanda stopped him, and I could feel the chaos seeping into the ground where blood dripped so I sat down in the dead grass on the mountain and let my hand siphon the grass, I smiled at the feeling, I could see steve get hit by riot same with nat clint and tony was being thrown and his heart arc reactor was flashing, riot turned to wanda and my smile dropped.

"shes off limits you big ugly shit looking fuck," I yelled as I let my veins turn black and I grab my dagger from the ground and I siphon his blood but this time I bite into his neck at the same time and let my venom seep into him, he lets out a groan as he collapses, "ok...ok.. I will tell you about the hydra agents just stop...pLeaSE," he said his vice cracking at the end.

"fine tell us," Steve said getting up and i removed my fangs and let my veins go to normal and i could see wanda in the corner of my eyes staring but i ignored her because i had to focus on the mission, "they come here and take my blood hoping to make more symbiote, ones that can overpower any being even demons and devils," me and Kai scoffed, "if i tell you where their base is, i don't want a torture room in hel" as riot said that he looked at me, "i think its funny you think you have the power to negotiate," i said as i went into his head and saw he didn't know where the base was, "you liar you know nothing," i said as i reached into his body, and gripped his heart, "wait we could imprison him you don't have to kill him," Wanda said pleading me.

"oh but it would be so much more fun to kill him then i could torture him for eternity when i go back to Hel," i said and pulled his heart out and let the blood drip down my hand and siphoned all the pain from riots body and i could feel it course through my body and my eyes turn fully white, i could hear the avengers gasp apart from Kai who let out a sigh of tiredness as riot did hit him a few times.

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