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(It's very short because it got deleted and it's effort to rewrite it all so i just summarised it)

i dragged Wanda into the art room she was being awkward which I couldn't help but laugh at,

"I'm going to paint you, so just like stand by that window." I told her and she shivered so on her way to the window I threw a blanket at her "thanks,"

as I was painting her we talked about Hel and we joked with each other, and honestly it felt like an out of body experience,

"but sometimes I love being the devil like punishing the ones who deserve it and torturing, but then again I hate it when I see people who don't deserve Hel being sent there and never find peace, they just have to live for eternity, but I worked so hard to get the role of devil, and people died because of it, so if I stop being the devil it would be like they died for nothing in the end," I responded to wandas question as I painted theblanket that was loosely wrapped around her,

"so you like punishing those who deserve it, and hate seeing those who don't deserve punishment being punished?" i just nodded "you would make a good avenger, a very stuck up stuborn righteous avenger," i laughed at her joke,

"i think in another life you would be a barista." Wanda said randomly, i just scoffed "i think in another life you would be a musician," i joked, "i would never, they are way too talented." "i mean your talented with your hands though," i paused and thought about what i just said, "i didn't mean it like that i mean you have powers which you us-" my explanation was cut off my wanda laughing, "actually i think you would be like a professional raver in another life" i said mimicking her hand movements, and she let out a massive laugh and i couldn't help but laugh with her.

"alright I'm done, admire my talent," i said and showed her the amazing painting i did of her,

"that's beautiful wow thank you." she said as she pecked my lips too caught up in the moment, "oh my god I'm so sorry i didn't mean to do tha-" "its fine its just a peck," i laughed her off but damn even that half second her lips were on mine were pleasurable. (The painting)

   (The painting)

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