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I sat across from Wanda and everyone was talking to Peter while eating breakfast and I couldn't help but keep my eyes focused on Wanda,

She seemed to notice and would glance up, every time she did I made kissy faces and she would laugh at my childishness, I could get used to this.

"Today's Saturday to it's our break day so let's go shopping," Nat said and we all agreed, "ok everyone gets changed then we'll leave in an hour.

As I walked to our room Wanda had left breakfast 5 minutes early because she takes longer showers, because I'm the devil I don't need showers I just use my magic to look good,

I sat on the bed watching the conjuring which I found very amusing, I heard the door open and as it did Wanda came out only in her towel, she saw me and froze then made her way over to the closet,

I watched her grab her clothes, she saw me watching and loosened her towel just a bit to show some of her cleavage and I couldn't help but smirk.

I used my magic to pull her to me and I sat down while she stood in between my legs, she straddled my hips and I couldn't control myself anymore, I pressed my lips to hers and this time it was like we were siphoning each other, it felt so amazing, I felt lust poured into the kiss and she started rocking on my hips trying to get friction,

I pulled her hand away from her towel and she obliged and I put her hand on my shoulder and I paused from the kiss for a second and looked at her body, it was so beautiful damn I'm really falling for her,

"You are beautiful," I mumbled once I press my lips to her and she just moaned as I sent wisps of my magic through her body,

"GUYS HURRY U- Oh my god not again!" Nat said pausing in the door and I covered Wanda's perfect body, "privacy please for fuck sakes" Wanda said slamming the door shut with her magic and I just chuckled and carried her with me to the closet and grabbed her clothes while she still clung to me kissing my neck and it felt so good,

"We have to get ready come on," Wanda said hopping off of me grabbing her clothes and putting them on and I just groaned,

"Fine. But we'll finish this later." I promised and I could tell she was getting even more aroused.

~ at the mall~

"where are all the people?" Wanda asked as we all walked into the mall, Tony, Peter, steve, and Kai all walked in front, and Nat and Clint and Wanda and I walked behind them all, mostly just to check wanda out.

"I reserved the mall so the paparazzi won't disturb us, anyway go shop guys have fun," Tony told us, and me Nat Wanda and Peter all went to the designer section mostly to mock rich people,

Wanda threw an expensive coat at me, "guys look...the devil really does wear Prada," Wanda called over the avengers and they all burst out laughing, "don't make her mad you'll have the devil to pay!" Steve retorted and I chuckled while the avengers were all on the floor dying of laughter.

"speak of the devil?" peter said but it came out more of a question, and we all laughed at his confusion, "ok guys stop now," I said after 7 minutes of making jokes, "what are you gonna do?" Kai said so I made him see spiders crawl all over him and he freaked the fuck out but to the avengers, he looked mad and we all laughed at his fear.

"ok come on guys let's shop," Nat said as we all disperse into different shops, it didn't really matter to me because I was just following wanda and I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings so when we walked into the changing room while talking- about me being represented as a goat- I didn't really think anything of it until Wanda cleared her throat gesturing to the changing room,

"what?" I said "I'm trying to get changed you can't just watch," wanda said slowly as if I was a child, I just scoffed and pinned Wanda against the mirror, "I can and will do what I want," I said and leaned closer until our lips met and pushed her further into the mirror,

I tapped her thigh signaling for her to jump which she did and I caught her and wrapped her legs around my waist without breaking the kiss. as we were kissing we saw a flash, we pulled away thinking it could be paparazzi but only to see Peter covering his eyes and Nat smirking holding her phone taking picture of us,

I growled and grabbed the phone and heated my hand and watch the phone melt with my Hel fire, "I KNEW YOU GUYS WERE TOGETHER I MEAN IVE KNOWN SINCE THIS MORNING WHEN I CAUGHT YOU GUYS FU-" I cut Nat off "we weren't fucking, mostly because you interrupted like your doing now" I said as I set Wanda down and she had embarrassment written allover her face.

"AVENGERS EMERGENCY!" Tony shouted and we all rushed over towards him, "a hydra agent just told us to meet him in this abandoned run-down factory, we can assume it would be a war because we followed Maze knowledge on loud noise being their weakness and we sent a helicopter playing really loud MRI noise and the helicopter didn't respond so that means there are symbiotes there." we were all silent

"Finally some real chaos, a war, this is what I came for, I can finally let the beast out!" I cheered and Kai did as well because anytime I let the beast out Kai becomes stronger and smarter. "what the beast?" Wanda asked tilting her head, "it is my full form, the devil form, once I absorb enough chaos the full form gets unleashed and feeds on all chaos...which means Wanda shouldn't be there." my tone changed when realisation hit me and Wanda furrowed her eyebrows "wanda you have chaos flowing through your blood, the full form beast feeds on all chaos, therefore, full form plus you equals death." I said trying to explain in simpler terms.

"I'm going,," wanda said clearly not caring about what I just said and the avengers were on my side but she didn't care, "or you give her a vile of your blood so that if you do feed on her she can drink that and be healed," Kai suggested and we all went silent.

"no because the side effects of my blood are not for the mortal," I said trying to get Kai to shut up, "what do you mean, she'll just be able to see inside your head?" Kai said clueless "exactly and whats inside my head is private," i said angry that Kai is sharing important information, "look even if i take you blood that doesn't mean ill look inside your head, ill respect you privacy, trust me." Wanda told me, i have never trusted anyone with my mind not even Kai,

"ok i trust you."

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