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We were on our way back to the compound and I could tell the avengers were freaked out just by seeing my half devil, pussies.

I mean all of them were scared apart from Kai because he's my brother, but also Wanda wasn't scared she was more disappointed.

"Wanda come here." I said pulling her to a secluded bit of the jet, "what is it Maze?" Wanda said pissed off, "why are you being a bitch, you've literally ignored me and been all pissy!" I whisper yelled.

"You killed riot for no reason we could of used him in future for information but you didn't care, that's not right." Wanda whisper yelled back

"Are you serious! That thing killed loads of people, I killed a murderer and I'm being made out to be the bad guy, you humans are weird." I said moving to the exit as the jet was landing.

Once we got into the facility, "alright well this mission was kind of successful, riot won't be a problem now but we still have to find out hydra base and destroy symbiote extracts." Steve said leading us to the training room, "we train everyday from now on for 6 hours because riot would of killed us if it wasn't for Maze" Tony said, "actually I'm interviewing someone new to join the avengers in 10 minutes so you guys train then I'll be back." Tony said jogging off to the exit.

"Steve and Kai, me and Clint, Wanda and Maze" Nat said then everyone moved to their positions and I smirked this would be fun.

Wanda and I circled each other and she threw a punch but I blocked and kicked her on the ground and had her pinned in 3 seconds. I got off her and chuckled,

As I turned around she threw her mind energy ball at me but I saw it coming and turned around and siphoned the magic, I looked at my hand and saw I had the mind energy ball and everyone's eyes were now on us, "you really shouldn't have done that." I said to Wanda and I could see the fear in her eyes.

As I stalked towards her I caught my reflection in the mirror and saw my teeth were growing so I composed myself then turned to Wanda and crushed the energy ball in my hand like glass.

I walked off into the kitchen wanting something to eat still pissed that Wanda tried to use her magic at me.

"Wait Maze... I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I just wanted to get payback for you pinning me." Wanda said chasing after me, "Wanda I don't care about that, I care about the fact that if you had hit anyone with that mind energy ball that powerful you would go through their mind then destroy it," I said walking towards her.

"I know I was just angry and didn't think about it," she said but she was quiet and I realised I was towering over her, I cleared my throat "let's just put this behind us, it's late you need to sleep." I said pulling her to her room, "you need sleep as well" Wanda said and I just shook my head "I don't but if it makes you feel better I'll stay." I said and I could see she was happy at that.

"Thank you," Wanda said as she went under the covers and turned on the tv, "sitcoms really?" I chuckled, I got under the covers with her and she was like a stick in bed she wasn't relaxed,

I grabbed and pulled her into my chest and she just chuckled at my impatience, after 2 minutes she relaxed on my chest, we watched some sitcom, and every time she laughed my smile grew, god I'm falling for her.

After a while I glanced down to Wanda on my chest and she was asleep, she looks so perfect, I stroked her hair as I did my nails grew longer and I could feel my fangs elongate, oh god I need blood, how could I forget.

I carefully moved out of the bed, I whizzed out of the compound, ok where is crime but far away so the avengers won't get that mad, queens.

I whizzed to queens and I turned around it's about 4 am so no one would be awake, I saw a bank with thieves trying to steal money, bingo.

I walked up to them and once they noticed me they started firing away, "don't worry mam I'll protect you." A boy in red and blue spandex said swinging down and wrapping the thieves in web.

"Thanks but I actually need their blood to survive so excuse me," I said grabbed ahold of a thief and sucked his neck dry, the spandex man looked shocked,

"I'm going to have to report you to the avengers or something because that's not normal." The spandex boy said, "I'm with the avengers...well more of a consultant." I said.

"Really...I just had my first interview today and Mr. Stark said he'll be talking to me, so that's good right?" The spandex boy said, so he must be the new recruit.

"Well how about we find out, you can come with me back to the facility and we'll see what 'Mr. Stark has to say" I suggested and he just nodded his head "my aunt may is away with work for two weeks so yeah that would be great." He said.

I grabbed hold of him and whizzed to the compound where everyone was up worrying, "where is she? She should be back by now" Kai said pacing and I just coughed to announce my presence and Wanda looked so relieved, "everyone this is spandex boy" I said gesturing to the teenager still confused at how we got here so fast.

"It's actually spider man" he whispered and I chuckled at how scared he is, "ahh Peter didn't expect you to be here so soon but that's fine because congrats kid you got the job!!" Tony said, "really this is great, thanks miss for bringing me here this is so much better than having to take a taxi." Peter said shaking my hand,

"You're shaking the devil's hand," Nat said and peters eyes widen and Wanda burst out laughing, and I couldn't help but smile at her cute laugh.

"Oh sorry?" Peter said and backed away, everyone introduced themselves but right after Wanda introduced her self I pulled her to our room and threw her on the bed and collapsed on top of her, "this is new," Wanda said throwing a blanket over us, "well I nearly lost control and ate you so I have to feel bad," I said truthfully, "what do you mean nearly ate m- actually what do you mean have to feel bad?" Wanda said tilting her head up as I hovered above her holding myself up with my elbows by her head.

"Well, I have control over what I feel and based on my knowledge it would be most accurate to feel bad in a situation like that," I said matter of factly and she looked unsurprised.

Seeing her like this, underneath me turned me on a lot and that was the one thing I couldn't control, I leaned down and peppered kisses on her neck, I could feel chaos not being siphoned but around us.

A knock at the door interrupted me as I was about to kiss her, her eyes snapped open and I moved off her quickly and opened the door to see Clint "breakfast is ready in an hour" "ok" Wanda replied quickly,

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