The real chaos

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I don't know where I am but it's all dark, I've been like this for about 4 and a half hours and at first it hurt like Hel, but what was even worse was me being stuck here and all I could think about was vision, after Maze left vision helped me deal with it and he became a friend then I had to kill him to stop thanos getting that stone which didn't work at all.

"Hello can you hear me...hello?" I heard some woman yell and it rang through my ears "hello" I responded I still couldn't see anything,

"So your the girl who has my daughter head over heals for... pretty but a ginger, ahhh but not naturally ginger it's ok!" The woman sighed, "I love my hair...who are you?!" I yelled back

"I am archí, you know my daughter Mazakeen"
"I thought she killed you?" I asked, was I lied to did she not kill her mother, did I leave for no reason... "no she killed me" nevermind I left for the right reasons but it still hurt to think about Maze, she was fun and helped me get over pietros death but then I lost her,

"The story has been mistold for many years, I asked her to kill me because I realised I was being selfish wanting the throne because in order to get the throne one must sacrifice what they love most and I couldn't kill her so I made her kill me, but the killing was less killing more putting my mind to rest and into limbo that's where you are," the woman said and I felt even more confused.

"So she didn't brutally maim and kill you, she put your soul to sleep because you asked her to?" I tried summarising what she had told me, "exactly and now she is in an excrutiating amount of pain because 5 trillion souls were sent to Hels gates and were being burnt including you but she took the pain to let you guys be at peace for however long you need, which will be around 10 more minutes because the rest of the avengers are going to snap you guys back in one month" if I wasn't confused before I sure was now.

"So 5 trillion people were sent down here including me but Maze took all the pin we would feel so we would be peaceful and somehow time had gotten weird and one hour = a year?" I said trying to summarise what she was telling me
"Yes, see how simple it is." Archí said, so I have to wait 10 minutes before I can kill thanos this would be easy.

As I was waiting I thought about Maze, had she changed, did she hate me, of course she does I left her for something she did out of kindness and now she is carrying the pin of trillions of people, I just want to kiss her.

I want to kiss her and let her hold me, maybe even let her paint me again. If she didn't help us when we were trying to stop Thanos she wouldn't now so I'll probably never see her again. Great, unless I die and am held accountable for all the bad things I've done to people and get out in Hel? Who knows.

Just as I was thinking about Maze, I saw King T'challa infront of me offereing me a hand "come on we have to go, we have a big fight ahead of us," T'challa said gesturing to the portal infront of us.

"Avengers!" I heard Steve yell and I used my magic to go through the portal ...
"Assemble" Steve gritted his teeth and we all ran for thanos

A few people were trying to explain what was going on and from what I've gathered, the avengers have the gauntlet and can't let thanos get the stones.

We all charged at the aliens.
We all fought.
We are winning.

The gauntlet was dropped, I turned my head and saw Thanos running to it, not again.

I landed infront of the gauntlet, "you took everything from me" venom dropped from my voice, "I don't even know who you are," thanos gritted, "you will." I responded.

I brought all the pain from my parents death, pietros death, visions death, and the guilt from leaving maze, the energy pushed him back as I got closer to him.

He tried to bring down his sword on my but I stopped it and smirked tilting my head something I picked up from Maze.

I held him up with my powers and slowly started crushing his bones "rain fire." Thanos yelled and next thing I know a spaceship released lasers and I tried to move away but one shot me and I flew back but landed on something furry,

I looked up and saw a massive wolf with Loki and Maze on top.

~Maze POV.~
I sat with Loki behind me on fenrir, I looked down and saw Wanda for the first time in months Well years in Midgard time,

"Which one hurt you Loki?" I said lighting my cigarette with my Hel fire, he pointed to a grape looking sack of shit.

I dropped off Fenrir, however Thanos didn't seem to notice me as he was trying to fix his armour, I walked passed the collapsed and dead bodies, "why are you doing this?" Kai yelled as he was trying to stand up,

"The devil made me do it," thanos replied
"I did no such thing" I retorted and thanos snapped his head up and shock was pointed on his face.

as I walked towards thanos the avengers regrouped and limped towards each other and Loki and fenris stood by my side "LOKI!" Thor called but Loki shushed him "amaze is having a boss bitch moment shut up,"

"You see Odin has a problem with you, you just won't die," I said as thanos stood up ready to battle, "and if you won't go to Hel... I'll bring Hel to you..." as I said that o couldn't help the grin overtake my face.

"OHHH...Jørmungandr." I said sing song and everyone looked confused apart from Thor and Loki... "get back EVERYONE GET BACK," Thor warned and there was a massive crack from the earth.

I turned to Wanda and nodded to Fenris and and fenris bent down letting Wanda climb on her, they moved to the back of the war zone thankfully,

Jørmungandr burst through the ground slithering through the aliens crushing them and stopped by my side, from the crack in the ground demons arose and thanos looked around helplessly,
"Get the gauntlet to me," I whispered to the demons and they did as they were told as they slashed the aliens.

I put the gauntlet on my hand and it matched my hand size, I shifted to my full form readying myself for the power,

I turned to see Wanda using her magic to kill aliens and Spider-Man swinging, iron man blasting, Steve throwing his shield and mjørnir, Clint shooting his bow, all the avengers fighting the only person missing in Natasha... I looked at the gauntlet.

This is a lot of power to siphon, "Maze wait can you handle that?"Wanda yelled worried "Don't worry sweetheart, I'm the devil I can handle anything." I tried convincing myself and Wanda,

"Look we can work this out plEaSE." Thanos said as Jørmungandr wrapped around thanos until his bones were ripping through his skin, "there's something about seeing people beg that brings joy to my deep dark soul," I smiled at him as I put my fingers together getting ready to siphon the infinity stones.

I snapped my fingers.



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