meeting her

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I walked down the long corridors through the flames into my weapons room, usually, my weapon of choice is my axe but I feel that gives off thor type of vibes, so I decided to stick with my daggers...

I walked down the long corridors through the flames into my weapons room, usually, my weapon of choice is my axe but I feel that gives off thor type of vibes, so I decided to stick with my daggers

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I was ready to go up to Midgard, I assume Kai is still pissed that i made him clean up shit, but that doesn't matter anymore besides it was funny.

"wow the betrayal" Hela said dramatically as she stood in the entrance into my conservatory where i usually summon the bifrost, "well i thought you wouldn't mind reigning Hel for a bit while i go have fun up there, but remember don't forget to torture the prisoners and-" "dont worry Maze, remeber i looked after Hel while you went to check up on the Ancient Egyptians," Hela said trying to reassure me "ancient? god what year is it up there?" i asked baffled that time goes much quicker than one would expect.

"it's 2015" Hela said amused at my reaction, "ill ask Heimdall to update me on the inventions, i mean i assume they found about the shape of the earth and all that," i said walking past Hela preparing myself for the bifrost which i havent been in for thousands of years, "yes they know about that and they actually know a lot of things and there was also this Jesus guy and well their religious teacgings involve you quite a bit actually, well a male version of you called lucifer." Hela said throwing someones eyeball around like a bouncy ball and passed to me, "lucifer... as in the goat demon, ARE YOU KIDDING ME! i should go down there and show them what the devil really looks like!" i exclaiimed fustrated that me, a powerful being that could obliterate their worlds is being represented as a goat, not even something cool like a dragon.

"well i'll see you soon maybe a week or month or even a year if you find a lot of chaos to siphon but remember, avengers are the 'good guys' so you cant go killing people, even though they cant stop you, it seems that luck is always on their side so you never know." Hela said giving me a nod goodbye.

"what will you do now that i, your bestie, will be on an adventure?" i said tapping my dagger on the ground and watch as the roof opens to just fire but in the distance the rainbow bridge can be seen, "i might go see the brothers, as right now they are in space having fun with the aliens so maybe another family reunion." Hela said amused by her own idea i just chuckled as the rainbow bridge enveloped me.

i opened my eyes to see a plain square building with a big A on it, "well this is a downgrade from the pyramids" i muttered as i could see my brother and his little clicke coming towards me all on alert.

"sister, glad you came, i have some friends i would like you to meet," Kai said leading me to his friends apon which i examined their clothes and style and casted my own, (imagine lou from oceans 8 vibes because the picture isnt showing up)

"well shes not a goat," i heard a man who looked like a cocacola can say, i tilted my head ready for him to feel my wrath, "i apologize sister he is an arsehole, his name is tony stark he owns this all," Kai said geasturing to the facility, "its nice right?" Tony said, "ive seen better in fact i met a 10 year old egyptian who built a pyramid twice the size of that then reconstructed it 4 times in the span of a year but i guess its nice." i said amused at how you could practically hear his ego crack,

"anyways well this is clint," Kai geastured to a man who held his bow tightly and i could faintly see a cross under his gear i could also hear him muttering a prayer, "i admire your faith but praying wont send me away but dont worry im here to help you...for now." i said letting my eyes go a tad bit darker and him take a intake of breath,

"this is natasha," The red head nodded curtly at me, i could smell she was scared, but she hid it well but she was also burderned with guilt from her kills, i would examine her more later,

"this is steve or captain america," "i heard about you, the popsicle, the man in the wrong time, the man with the sheild, well you seem more boring than what i expected," i said dissapointment in my voice and i could see him just nod probably trying to grasp the fact that he was talking to the devil,

"thor isnt here right now," kai started but i cut him off " hes in space with his brother bonding over their family drama with some guy who turns into a brocoli" i said casually and all of them looked shocked, "what, Hela told me she was very angry when she heard she had brothers who had replaced her and well shit went bad and ragnarok happened." i said to Kai and he looked dissapointed he always loved sneaking into asgard with Loki, i always thought him and Loki had a thing but Kai left to Midgard before i could question him about it.

"and this is wanda..." Kai said as i made eye contact with a beautiful dark brown haired girl with beautiful hazel eyes, i stepped closer and as i did i could feel the chaos coming off in waves, "what are you?" i leaned down slightly and grazed my hand over her face and i felt the chaos flow into my neves, " thats enough!" Kai said pushing me away from wanda, and i flashed my eyes at him to tell him to stop touching me,

"im going to train, it was nice to meet you miss Devil," wanda said turning away clearly freaked out by me nearly siphoning her. This is going to be lots of fun.

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