Hels gates

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It's been about two months since I left earth, I sat on my throne and watched the demons talk amongst each other, I was in a foul mood, why do I feel bad I shouldn't,

"Mazakeen, I NEED A FAVOUR!" Hela yelled across the room, I just rolled my eyes, "what?" "It's about Loki he's here, can you please let him out of his torture chamber?" Hela pleaded me I nodded and followed her back to Loki's room.

I opened Loki's door and inside laid Loki on the ground holding frigga, then it reset and frigga walked up to him and he slit her throat while crying, "Loki I release you from Hels burden." I whispered and it echoed and Loki dropped the dagger and ran to me.

"Took you long enough, I was stuck here killing my mother for hours." Hela let out a sigh of relief and Loki turned to her, "you destroyed asgard". Loki said and pain was in his eyes "I didn't do that, you and Thor did but that doesn't matter anymore, who killed you?" Hela protectively said and me and Loki were both surprised because she had tried to kill them literally a few months ago.

"I'll tell you but first... why didn't you tell me I had a sister, you came to Asgard multiple times and you never mentioned your best friend is my sister and the God of death?" Loki pointed to me and I swiped his finger away from my face, "because eventually it would lead to Ragnarok and the amount of chaos I got from that was amazing, so call me selfish I know." I said moving to walk away but they both followed,

"What up her arse?" Loki whispered and I pretended I didn't hear that "heart broken...now Loki stop getting distracted, who killed you?"
"A mad Titan called thanos, he plans on getting all the infinity stones... if you help us we could win!" Loki exclaimed and cheered and all the demons looked to us but I flashed my eyes telling them to mind their business.

"I'm not going back to earth, it's a horrid filthy place filled with gross creatures," I told Loki and he froze in his place, "are you serious, right before I died me and Thor were having a nice moment and then thanos killed me ans now he's on his way to earth to kill more people, and you won't do anything!" "Correct" I responded sitting on my throne,

"What of Kai, huh, he's an avenger so what happens when him and his little team try to stop Thanos, he could die!" Loki yelled, "it would be his choice to fight a battle he wouldn't win so it's his responsibility to endure the consequences." I said

"You know that if someone is killed by the infinity stones it is completely unnatural and they would be sent outsides Hels gate they would reside in the fire and wouldn't be let in because they didn't die fully, so all your friends, brother and maybe even the one who broke your heart would be in eternal pain and you wouldn't be able to see them only hear their screams." After he said that it out things in perspective,

"I'll think about it but right now I just want to get drunk and have lots of sex," I said moving to the bar, and picking up liquid fire.

~48 hours later~
"COME ON WE HAVE TO SAVE THEM BEFORE THERES NO TIME!" Loki yelled as we walked to the conservatory to go in the bifrost as I called it,
"Hela?" I heard Loki say and they both looked to their hands and it was disappearing, "oh shit he snapped,"

Loki and Hela disappeared, I turned in circles, damn they are gone.

This was a big problem because I can't leave Hel unattended because the demons are mischievous and will cause havoc and I can't leave a demon in charge because they'll be overpowered, I can't lock the demons away because Hel is their home and it would be impossible, I have to stay in Hel and way for the avengers to fix this mess, great.

I could always talk to the messenger demons, I make my way into the demons bar but most of them are gone and the rest look confused,

Ness my messenger demon ran into the room "thanos snapped half of the population in the universe with the infinity stones and most of the avengers are gone-" I cut ness off by saying "which avengers? TELL ME NOW!" I yelled impatient and worried "black pantha, spiderman, guardians of the galaxy, then Steve's best friends Sam and Bucky also known as winter soldier...and Wanda Maximoff" as those last words left his mouth my heart shattered,

This means she would be outside the gates of Hel in the fire and I wouldn't be able to save her,
I went to reply but we were cut off by 5 trillion screams, I ran to my chambers and looked outside but only saw fire but could hear the screams of all the people suffering, but one stuck out to me,

It was Wanda, I could hear it, everyone in Hel felt this pain but me being the devil learnt to ignore it but this would be too much so I summoned all the chaos I could and shot it at them, my mother told about this, it's putting someone's mind and soul in coma but body still alive,

About maybe 12 seconds later the screaming calmed down, oh shit that reminds me...

Kronos was in control of the time in Hel he was like a father figure to me, not a very good one, he tried to eat me but still a father figure, time in Hel goes by his counting, I really hope he didn't snap otherwise 5 hours here would be 5 years in The rest of the universe, which doesn't seem that bad but for me it would drain my powers and I would feel like 5 years so all that pain that I have subdued to the people outside Hels gates, I would feel 5 years worth of their pain and I could already feel it burning through my veins.
This was going to be hella hard to sit through.

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