Welcome new sister

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Your POV

Dang it!Dang it!Dang it! My inner voice screamed in my head, I ran through the royal garden as fast as I could. I could hear the townspeople cheering, today was the day Dad's new wife and her daughter came. I can't believe I'm late! All I wanted to do was explore the forset and I lost track of time. I climbed into an open window and was met by Balieywick. "Hurry!" He gave me my dress and shoes. I smiled "thank you Baileywick", I ran to the bathroom and changed. I combed my h/c hair and cleaned my face up.

(Your dress)Then I ran down the hall ,stopping in front of the main door and slipped on my shoes

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(Your dress)
Then I ran down the hall ,stopping in front of the main door and slipped on my shoes. I took a deep breath and walked out smiling and waving. The crowd cheered upon seeing me, my dad however looked angry. I took my place next to Amber and slightly in front of Cedric. "Aren't you forgetting something princess?" Cedric whispered, I looked at him confused. He rolled his eyes and took something out of his sleeve.

It was my tiara, he put it on me and returned to his original standing. "Baileywick knew would forget it so he gave it to me", I smiled "Thank you for taking care of it, how does it feel to do something right". He shot me a sarcastic smile "almost as good as seeing you run through the garden in a rush", my eyes widened not realizing he saw me. I faced forward and smiled as I saw a carriage arrive. They're here!, a beautiful woman with tan skin and dark brown hair stepped out and kissed dad. I was happy for him, he really loves this Miranda woman. Behind her was a little girl no older than 10 in a purple dress, she had light skin and brown hair.

Miranda introduced herself to Amber and James while handing them a little gift she made them. She walked over to me and kindly smiled. "You must be y/n Roland has told me so much about you, you train with the knights correct?", I nodded "yes Mam a good queen must always be prepared". She laughed "well then you must teach me some things", I bowed "it would be my honor". She grabbed my hand and placed a necklace in it. "I found the gem in a river. It reminded me of your tiara's f/c jewel". I smiled and thanked her.

The necklace was very beautiful. She walked back to dad, "Hi! I'm Sofia!" A small voice came from below. I looked down to see her daughter, "hi Sofia my name is y/n it looks like we're sisters!". "Step sisters" Amber waved her fan, I rolled my eyes "we're sisters" I assured Sofia. She smiled and Baileywick opened his scroll. "All hail queen Miranda and princess Sofia '', everyone clapped and cheered. Cedric waved his wand and carded a spell into the sky. A dark cloud forced and rain poured down.

The guards opened the umbrellas and covered us. "Cedric I said flowers not showers' ' Dad sighed, I giggled at the sight of him struggling. "Excuse me your highness I'm still breaking in my new wand" his cockney accent was thick at the moment, he fiddled with his wand trying to get it to work. My dad explained who Cedric was, finally a green light shot out of the wand and ricocheted off the statue and wall. The storm transformed into a shower of flower petals. "Ooo f/f petals' ' Sofia smiled, I looked towards Cedric who had a light tint of pink on his cheeks. "My favorite" I smiled at him, he crossed his arms and then looked away.

Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now