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Ok back on track!

Since Sofia doesn't have the amulet the whole princess ivy thing never happened. Don't worry princess Elenna isn't trapped in there either

Y/n's POV

"Happy Wassailia Sofia!" I greeted her, she hugged me "Happy Wassailia y/n". I noticed she was holding a box, "who's the present for?". She smiled in a mischievous way, "oh no one, just your new boyfriend, though can you help me with the decoration. It can be from both of us". I blushed and laughed nervously. "Of course".

We painted the box together and walked to Cedric's tower. Right before I was about to knock I could hear him talking to himself. "Oh I don't see what all the fuss is about. Wasalia this Wasalia that, we'll all light up a tree and then I'll be presented with some token of a gift. Oh Cedric, here's another ill fitting sweater! Or worse, a best sorcerer's mug. I wish just once someone gave me a gift that's worthy of a royal sorcerer or at least showed they care about me", I crossed my arms "if he didn't like my sweaters he could have said so".

I looked down to see Sofia wasn't there, she was half way down the stairs. I hurried to catch up "maybe out gift isn't special enough", I gasped "what?! Sof you made that gift of course it's special, I'm the one who needs to get a better gift". She shrugged and continued walking. "This won't do at all" we heard Baileywick up ahead, "what's wrong?" I asked.

He held up a pretty plain decoration, "I just wish my decor was more special, like the year we filled the castle with ice lilies". Sofia tugged at my dress "what are ice lilies?"I did my best to remember "a very beautiful flower that gives off a powerful glow, unfortunately none have grown here in years".

She smiled "that sounds like the perfect gift!"I gave her a slight smile but didn't really feel happy. I could just magic one up but then everyone would question me. "Can we go find some!" She gave me her puppy dog eyes, I sighed and nodded. We grabbed our coats and headed out.

 We grabbed our coats and headed out

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(Couldn't decide which was was prettier)As we were walking down the steps Mom,Amber and James were coming up

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(Couldn't decide which was was prettier)
As we were walking down the steps Mom,Amber and James were coming up. "Where are you two going?" Amber asked, "just looking for a last minute gift for Cedric". Mom nodded "ok but just be back in time to light the candles", we waved goodbye and stepped into the woods.

Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now