Sofia the second

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Sorry this took a while, thank you all for reading 💖


"Dooper Duplicado!" A flash of light hit the cake I was holding, the cake then became two. The first cake was already heavy so to have a second one was too much!. "Agh!" I screamed as Wormy zoomed past me, I tripped over myself and fell. Cake was all over me, "princess! Are you alright?!" Cedric kneeled down and helped me up. "No cedric I'm not ok, I'm covered in cake bc my sorcerer is running around the castle duplicity things!".

He laughed nervously and wiped a piece of cake off my face. "In the light of things you taste delicious" he licked his lips, my cheeks flushed a little. "Whatever I'm gonna change" I walked away and towards my room. "Oh wait y/n can I ask a favor!" Sofia ran after me, "sure". She followed me and sat on my bed. I picked out one of my newest dresses, it was a f/c off the shoulder gown.

 I picked out one of my newest dresses, it was a f/c off the shoulder gown

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There we are, I put my hair up. "You look super pretty!", I blushed "thank you, now what was that favor?". "Can I borrow you f/c necklace, just for today I promise to give it back", I nodded and went over to my jewelry box. I handed the necklace to her, it was my favorite given to me by my mother.

My magical one comes second, I helped her put it on. "Thanks y/n" she called before leaving, I waved and applied a little makeup to my face. Then I hurried downstairs. I saw Sofia hiding behind a pillar, she had a pink dress on which was weird but hey she's trying new things.

Just as I was gonna say hi she rolled an apple towards James and made him slip. "Sofia!" I yelled, she looked at me innocently "yes?". "Why did you do that?" James asked getting up, "because it was hilarious" she let out a giggle. "That's not like you" Amber commented, she was right it's not like Sofia to play tricks and laugh at pain. "Right come one guys we're gonna be late for the festival" I led everyone outside, we got into the carriage and sat down.

"Woah Sofia when did you change?" I asked shocked, "just now" she smiled nervously. I looked at her suspiciously, eventually I just shrugged it off. As the coach was gonna take off I happened to glance at one of the windows and saw Cedric fighting wormy.

He saw me and waved before getting hit with a vase and falling down. Ooo that looked like it hurt...wait how did Wormy throw that?. We took off and as usual I turned away and focused on my shoes. I glanced at the castle to try and calm myself.

I saw a carriage arrive and dad greeting some duke. A little girl came from behind him and ran up to- Sofia?!!!. I whirled my head around and looked at Sofia sitting in front of me. There's no way...unless of course Cedric hit her with that spell. Ugh what a fool!, I guess it's fine I mean that Sofia can play with the girl while this one comes with us. Besides, how much trouble can a little princess get into?

Cedric POV

"Wormy just let me practice this one spell on you!" I chased my familiar around the castle, "no!" He yelled and threw another vase at me. "And tell me how you're able to do that!" I dodged it, "alright I give up for now" I glared at him. Suddenly I heard the voices of a little girl and Princess Sofia. Huh I thought Sofia went to that festival?, could have sworn I saw her sitting with y/n.

I watched as Sofia gave the girl a necklace. "Here take it, my sister won't mind" I looked closely and saw that it was y/n's favorite necklace!. She'd freak out if Sofia had given it away, I walked over and bent down to Sofia's level. "Princess Sofia did you just give y/n's favorite necklace to the little girl", she smiled in a way that wasn't her usual happy, go-lucky way. "Yes, why did you want it", I was slightly taken back "w-well yes".

If I give the necklace to y/n maybe I'll get a hug and if I'm really lucky perhaps even a kiss!. "Alright then close your eyes and wish for it then I'll give it to you", hesitantly I did so and wished I had the necklace. It had been a while so I opened my eyes to see that I was completely alone besides wormy. "Did-did princess Sofia just trick me", that was certainly not like her.

I walked back to my tower thinking about what to do next. "I've got it, I'll just trade something for the necklace, Hmmm what do little girls like....that's it cupcakes!" I grabbed the key and explained the rest of my plan to wormy. I opened my door and walked in. Just as I was gonna reach my desk I looked up and saw Sofia's bunny in Wormy's cage. "How did you get up there?, no matter cause if there's one thing a little girl will love more than a treat it's a cute little bunny" my voice deepened darkly.

I ran out the room and looked around for the girl. Finally I found her, "hello there!" I frightened her a tad. "Oh hi", I held out the bunny and she gasped. "This right here is a pre owned rabbit, I'll give it to you", she squealed and held her arms out. I held the bunny close "for the low price of that necklace", she looked at the necklace and took it off. "Here", I smiled widely "yes!".

As I was about to obtain it princess Sofia and Y/n walked in. "Princess Sofia, princess y/n!", before any words were exchanged we all heard a crashing noise from the hall. "Baileywick!" Y/n yelled, "I'm back~" another Sofia leaned against the door. "Get her" y/n ran towards the girl, I followed behind, after slipping and getting hit in the face I had caught up to her.

We were in the knights armoury, the evil Sofia hit every single one making them move from their stance. Instead of breaking apart they were leaning on each other threatening to fall at any moment. I crawled underneath, y/n was behind me. Luckily I made it out but the amour started to shake. I grabbed y/n's hands and yanked her towards me right before everything collapsed. I didn't realize how close until I looked back at her and saw she was a few inches away from my face.

I pulled away and we continued chasing the girls. When we finally caught up to them Sofia was explaining why she created her twin. "So this isn't the real necklace" I held up y/n's fake necklace. Sofia shook her head, "can you do a reverse spell". I sighed and pulled out my wand from my sleeve. "Yes of course I can " I casted the spell on the twin and she melted away as did the necklace. I took a step back and hid behind the wall. "Cedric, are you ok?" Y/n asked, "no
y/n I'm not ok, I worked so hard to get your necklace back because I knew how much it meant to you, only to find out it was real in the first place".

She looked at me surprised and then giggled. "Aw Cedric, thank you for trying" she wrapped her arms around my neck. I froze before hugging her back. Fully worth it, "uh Cedric?". "Yes y/n" I held her close, "you're kinda squishing me". I immediately let go and laughed. "Sorry", she smiled and ruffled my hair. "Adorable", my face went red. She walked away leaving me there shocked. I should really figure out when I'm gonna confess my feelings.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes

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