Mystic meadows

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It's about to get real 😬
Sincerely- The author

"You look so cute in your little uniform Sofia!" I fixed her little hat, "thanks y/n, oh hi buttercup troop" Sofia waved at her friends as they entered. "Hey Sofia," they chimed in a sad tone, "what's wrong?" I asked the girls. "Ruby's mom has a cold so we can't go on the trip" Jade explained. Baileywick sprung with glee and ran behind the doors. Under 5 seconds he came out in his scout leader outfit, "I'll take you!". "Really?" Sofia beamed, "how did you change so fast?" I questioned.

He asked the girls where they were going and was surprised as me to hear they were going to Mystic meadows. "If I recall Cedric's parents live there", Sofia gasped softly "oh I'll go get him and see if he wants to come with us, wanna come y/n". I shrugged and followed her to Cedrics tower. "Cedric" I called while opening the door, he jumped and spilled a potion on his desk.

The desk then grew and flung him on the floor. "Don't you know never to sneak up on a sorcerer" he laid on the floor, "I know, that's why I snuck up on you" I smiled. He groaned and stood up brushing himself off. "What do you want?", "well we're going to the mystic meadows and wanted to see if you wanted to come see your parents".

He shuttered and walked over to a painting. "Why would I when I can see them right here", I've seen the painting a million times and even grew up with his parents but yet never noticed how much Cedric looks like his mom. He told Sofia about the family wand and his issues with his dad.

Then I pretty sure he said something about taking over the kingdom. I knew we had to leave soon so I didn't wait for his answer. "Just visit them this once" I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the hall. "Fine but I'm not coming cause you told me to, this is my decision", I rolled my eyes "whatever you say".

I let go once we were in the carriage, I've developed a habit to hold onto his arm whenever we take off. Which is why I didn't realize I did so when we were in a regular cart. "Uh princess we aren't flying" he looked down at me, "s-sorry it's just a habit". He shrugged "it's alright...I enjoy it" he said the last part quietly, I caught it though and smiled softly.

I leaned against him and enjoyed the view of the forest. As we were going down the road by the forest I saw something I haven't thought about in a while. They were the tracks that appeared by the castle gardens. I quickly sat up and grabbed the sides of the cart to get a closer look. "Y/n?! What are you doing?!" Cedric grabbed my arm to keep me from falling, he pulled me back down.

"Sorry I thought I saw something" I apologized and returned to my original state. "Hey Cedric?" I shifted a little as he put his arm around me, "hmm?". I paused a moment to think about my question "what would you do if you could be King of Enchancia", he chuckled.

I was halfway scared of his answer "I'd first make sure all the enchanted antiques are put away because way to many accidents have happened over the years, definitely make the ones who made fun of me pay, increase the pay for workers and I guess just try to rule as best as possible" he smiled.

It wasn't as bad as I thought, "why?". I looked back at the road "no reason only curious", before the conversation could continue the cart stopped. "We're here everyone" Baileywick announced, I stood up and helped the girls out the carriage before walking out myself. Cedric offered his hand and helped me down.

I thanked him as we walked through the gates. A puff of smoke erupted in front of us and revealed Cedrics parents. "Welcome to mystic meadows, I'm Goodwin the Great and this is my wife Winifred the Wise", His mom ran towards him and embraced him in a hug. Cedric is pretty tall so she was at his waist, he had to lean over to hug her. "Hello Cedikins so good to see you", I giggled along with the other girls. "Mummy not in front of the princesses", she held his hands "how are all your sinister plans coming along".

Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now