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Enjoy my loves! ❤️


Cedric's POV

Yesterday was a tad awkward after y/n confronted me, I didn't even answer her. Merlin's mushrooms, what if she hates me now!, I mean yes I wanna take over the kingdom but if we get married I won't have to. Then again that's not the problem, the problem is I really want that amulet.

We were all standing outside waiting for today's guests. "Presenting the royal family of Wei-Ling" Baileywick announced as the royal family walked up to the king and queen. "Presenting King Magnus of Rudistan and his royal sorcerer Greylock the grand", oh not greylock.

He greeted the king and queen and then walked over to the princess. She held out her hand to shake but instead he kissed it making her smile. I gagged at the horrible sight, "well well if it isn't Bed Sick" he held out his hand. I groaned "it's Cedric and you know it" I shook it and felt a fiery shock run through my body. "Haha just had to try my new palm zapper, I haven't seen you since the big school reunion, your hair grew back okay" he then pointed at my bow and then flicked my nose when I looked down. "I see you're still more of a jester than a sorcerer" I crossed my arms, "and I see you're still in love with princess y/n". I gasped "how did you know that?", he laughed "My king told me about you two when he came to visit last".

I sighed and followed everyone as we walked in. King Magnus of course bragged about Greylock which for some reason interested y/n. "I'm just as great as you!", "but not as fun" he sang, causing y/n to giggle. I growled and walked in front of the king and Queen. "Your majesty's I too would like to volunteer my services towards entertaining the young princesses and prince", they looked at me shocked "well that's a first".

I turned to Greylock and glared. "Let's see who's more fun", he held out his hand "let the best sorcerer win" I foolishly shook his hand and got shocked a second time making y/n smile. I led everyone into the open field where me and Greylovk went back and forth creating new fun things. I created a paper swan and put it in a pond of water.

Greylock created some enchanted balloon animals, he gave a heart shaped one to y/n while smirking at me. "Why that little...Piñata-Palooza!" I zapped a tree and made a little star piñata hang from it. "Oh children~ who wants to take the first swing" I held out a stick, y/n took it from me. "Uh princess you're supposed to aim for the piñata" I gulped nervously as she swung it around dangerously close to me. "Oh I know", before she could hit me she looked towards the kitchen window and pointed. "What is he doing", we all watched as Slickwell sang and rode around on a rolling tray. "He's a pretty weird guy, all he talks about is Baileywick " Greylock stated, "sounds gay, should we be worried?" I asked.

He shrugged "probably", "I'm sure Sofia can take care of it" y/n hit the piñata cracking it open. Afterwards we continued our little competition by creating a carousel and adding new things to it. "Liftupacoius!" Greylock shouted and lifted the ride into the sky. "Uh, is it gonna come down?" I asked, Greylock was about to answer but hesitated "I-I don't know". "What?!-" Just before y/n could yell at us Sofia came running wearing an outfit that looked like a girl version of Baileywick's. "Y/n! Baileywick quit and is gonna leave us!, we need to convince him not to!!", y/n glared at the both of us "you two better have this fixed by the time i'm back".

She grabbed Sofia's hand and ran off with her. "She's scary" Greylock shivered, "yes, it's quite alluring isn't it?". He shook his head "you got it bad", I shrugged "now let's get them down".

Y/n's POV

I can't believe Baileywick quit, he's one of my closest friends!. "Baileywick wait, I can do more. We can serve breakfast and help, just please don't leave!" Sofia pleaded. He looked at me, "Baileywick you are my most trusted friend, you have always been there for me so I ask you now please don't leave us" a few tears fell from my eyes.

Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now