Lords of the rink

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"Have fun at practice!" We waved goodbye to James as we walked with Miss Flora to ice dancing. "Hey wait up!" Viv called after, I slowed down and waited for her to catch up. "Remember your skates?" I asked while linking with her arm, she nodded and we headed off to practice.

Today we were sharing the rink with the hockey team, which did raise some issues like their puck kept coming to our side. Sofia was happily skating when we heard James shout "watch out!"I looked and saw a puck flying towards her. Quickly I grabbed James's stick and headed towards Sofia.

I swung the stick and smacked the puck straight into the goal. "Woah nice shot y/n!" One of his friends shouted, I smiled and gave the stick back to James. "Thanks I help James practice a lot", they seemed shocked, "but you're a girl". I looked at Viv who tried to hide her laughter "and? Gender doesn't matter.

We should just do what we love". "Miss flora this doesn't seem to be working, you can have the rink today we're gonna run" their coach gathered all the boys and started running. Well almost all, Hugo skated up to Sofia and started talking to her.

Apparently he wanted to try skating with enchanted skates, he was incredible. He did so many flips and twirls perfectly. Miss Flora offered him a spot in the class, he was hesitant "but I don't know any boys who ice dance!".

After a musical number run by Sofia, Hugo said yes and joined the team. Practice was over so we all went home, I walked with Viv to her carriage and sat next to her. Prince Zandar came in after and said hi to me. We have a lot of sleepovers so my parents know not to worry when I don't come home. It's been a tiring week for all of us with tests left and right. "So...you and Cedric", I tied back my hair. "What about us?", she looked a little worried, "is he treating you right?".

I laughed and nodded "of course he is". "Just making sure" she put his arm around me, "when are you guys gonna tell your parents". My heart raced at the question "Uh soon, I was thinking my birthday party would be a good day", my birthday was in a few days and dad's throwing me a huge party. I thought since I turn 18 and will be a decision making adult that there's not much my dad can do when I tell him.

We arrived at Viv's castle and went to her room since it was already pretty late. I hope Cedric doesn't worry to much about where I am

Cedric's POV

"Uh Sofia where's y/n?" I asked the young princess, she smiled "she's at princess Vivienne's , they're having a sleepover". She then walked into her room, I sighed and began to think about the party. I don't know how her parents are gonna react to us being together. It's not like there's a big age difference between us; it's only 5 years.

I walked back to my castle and practiced my spells for her party. Sofia and I are supposed to go gift shopping in a few days. I layed down on my bed dreaming of my love. How can someone powerful and heavenly love someone like me.

Hmmm powerful...she's powerful because of her necklace. Maybe I can borrow-no! She trusts me and loves me. Her love is all I need, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

-next day-


I stood in the hallway with Aaron and Viv laughing about old memories and talking about the party. I happened to see Sofia walk up to Hugo and his group. "Hey Hugo Hugo Miss flora said to meet at the lake for ice dancing practice", his friends gasped and asked him why he was playing a girls sport.

Aaron was offended because he used to take ice dancing, Hugo said he wasn't and dragged Sofia behind a wall. "Those two have some serious chemistry" Viv smiled, we agreed and watched the show. Hugo faked a cough and said he couldn't make it to ice hockey. "He's a good actor" I whispered, He then ran back to Sofia and winked while passing her.

Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now