Cedrics apprentice and Assitant

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So after reading a very helpful comment I now know his accent his a Cockney accent from London

"I'm having so much trouble in magic class" Sofia complained while I combed her hair, "yeah that was a tough class for me too" I put her tiara on. An idea came to my head "why don't you ask Cedric for help, he's pretty decent with magic", she jumped off the stool and gasped. "You're right! Thanks y/n!" She hugged me and ran out of my room. Now that I'm alone I can practice, I brought out a little flower from under my bed.

I put it on my desk and sat down. I held out my hands and concentrated on what I wanted the flower to do. I watched as it took form of a heart, suddenly a loud explosion made me fall and kill the flower. I ran to my window to see smoke coming out of Cedrics tower, "Sofia!" I yelled as I climbed onto p/n's back. He clapped his wings and jumped out the window.

We flew straight to Cedrics open window and landed. "What's wrong?!is Sofia ok?!" I looked around panicked, they both stared at me confused. "Uh yeah?, just messed up a potion" Cedric explained, I sighed but then smirked "so nothing out of the usual".

He shot me a sarcastic grin "oh princess it's comments like those that always make me look forward to our run ins", "Mr. Ceedrik was just asking me to be his apprentice. "Huh I thought apprentices are supposed to have a teacher who knows what they're doing", Sofia awkwardly walked upstairs to clean the shelves while Cedric walked closer to me. "Sofia is fine so what are you still doing here princess", I shrugged and sat down. "I'm bored and you entertain me so I'm staying", he growled but then smiled sweetly.

Cedrics POV

"Well then how about you become my assistant and help Sofia", She raised her eyebrow. I didn't really need the extra help but for some reason I wanted her around. "Sure whatever, what would you like me to call you...Master~" She smirked, my face turned completely red as i freaked out on the inside. The panic only faded when Baileywick entered "oh Sofia,y/n what are you doing here?", "I'm just visiting and Sofia's learning magic".

He looked at me and held back a laugh. "Huh you'll have to teach Cedric some when you're done", "very funny Baileywick, what do you want". Baileywick straighten himself before answering "his majesty has requested your presence", worry spread across my face as well all followed him to the entrance of the castle. "Ah Cedric, King Magnus is coming this after and I really want to impress him.

Do you think you could turn those ugly old statues into unicorn", I bowed and nodded "of course your majesty". I thought of the spell and glanced at princess y/n. She smiled and gave me a thumbs up. That only made my nerves worse, my heart started to race at the thought of embarrassing myself in front of her.

I said the words and a green light shot out of my wand and hit the old statue. It did turn into a Gargoyle" The king sighed "that's the opposite of what I wanted", him and his wife walked back inside. "It's alright mr. Cedric" Sofia tried to comfort me, I looked to see y/n gone. A sharp pain filled my chest as a bunch of anxious thoughts filled my mind. She hates you, she thinks your stupid, she sees you as a failure.

I stomped back to my workshop and tried to calm down. "Woah I feel funny" I turned my head just in time to see Sofia turn into a salamander. I jumped up "ah Sofia!, n-now don't worry just stay still" y/n will kill me if she finds Sofia like this, "Lizardo chango!" I changed while aiming my wand at Sofia.

A puff of smoke came from under her and as she turned back. I sighed in relief, she grinned and hugged me. There was a warm feeling grasping at my heart, I pushed her away "it's a simple spell, I learned it my first week of magic school". "Your so good at magic, how come you weren't able to turn those statues into unicorn?" I turned away from her as she pestered me into spilling it. "I get nervous there i said it!" I yelled think about earlier, "but you've performed in front of me,Amber and James without getting nervous. What's so different?".

My cheeks grew a little red "w-well I get nervous around y/n more than I do anyone else", she gasped and smiled widely. "I knew it!you like her!", I jumped out of my chair "what?!no!I didn't say that!". She looked at me in a "seriously?" way, "come on Mr.Cedrik y/n is amazing it wouldn't surprise me if 100's of boys had a crush on her". I frowned at that thought "please don't ever say that again", she giggled and walked to my desk. "My lips are sealed, now can you teach my spell now" I nodded and taught her exactly how my father taught me.

After that she was called to dinner by Baileywick, before leaving he smiled at me and said "oh and Cedric his majesty says you did an amazing job on the statues. It was a delightful surprise". He walked out leaving me confused on what he was talking about. I walked outside and to the front of the castle.

My mouth hung open as my gaze shifted towards the two statues. Instead of seeing my mistake of a gargoyle I saw two unicorns made up of vines and roses. She...helped me, I couldn't help but smiled and chuckle. She's getting good, which is both good and bad. It's gonna be harder to get that amulet if she's growing stronger.


I wonder if Cedric so my statues yet I thought trying to ignore King Magnus's constant gloating. "And my royal sorcerer, Greylock put on the grandest display of magic I have ever seen", Sofia swallowed her food and smiled. "You know we have a pretty great sorcery too", I choked a little. I shook my head at her but she continued bragging about Cedric and even said he'd perform for us.

He's gonna fail in front of everyone!, after dinner I walked to my room and sang by my window to calm myself down. I remember I used to sing with mom all the time, I love those memories and I can't wait to make greater ones with my new family.

Cedric POV

"What are you-?" Wormy started but I closed his beak. "Shut up!" I leaned next to the window and listened to y/n. "Wow so you really do have a crush on her", I shrugged "I guess it's just a small thing it'll go away once I have her amulet". Wormy rolled his eye, I shut the window and laid down on my bed. Im sure this feeling will pass. Through out the entire week sofia has helped me prepare for my show while I helped her with her test. Y/n came in every once and while.

It was hard to focus when she did and it didn't make it better that Sofia was giving me that "tell her!" look. The day of the show came and needless to say I was a mess, "ok let's go over the plan, I pour the potion on myself and disappear then I'll take y/n's necklace and rule Enchancia forever!". Luckily Sofia showed me that I was missing some ingredients before so now the potion actually works.

Sofia came home with a gold star on her test, I watched as everyone took there's seats. More specifically I watched as y/n took her seat, ok breathe Cedric. "You ok?" Sofia appeared next to me, I jumped "yes! Of course!just a tad nervous". Sofia patted my hand "just pretend she's not there", I nodded and walked out on stage.

This.was.a.disaster. I was completely unprepared and messed up a lot. Everytime i did I'd look at y/n, She tried to smile and show me i was doing fine but i didn't believe it. "Woah whoops!" Sofia numbed into the table, y/n shot up and yelled "Sofia dropped a potion on herself". Just as she did so sofia turned back into a lizard, everyone freaked out. "Sofia! Lizardo Chango" I waved his wand and turned Sofia back to normal.

Everyone clapped and cheered. Y/n ran up to him and made my heart race by kissing my cheek and then hugging Sofia. "Thank you Cedric you saved her life!", i looked at her in disbelief "I saved her life?". The king honored me and showed me off to Magnus who was also very impressed. "What happened?" I asked Sofia while everyone was sitting back down. She shrugged and smiled "guess I'm just clumsy, y/n seemed impressed though". I gasped "You did that on purpose!", she winked and waited for me. "Now what was that final trick?" king Roland asked, i grinned evilly and took the potion in my hand. "Ah yes I've been waiting a long,long time for this one" I looked straight at y/n's necklace.

I was about it poor it on myself when I glanced up at her and saw her expression. Respect filled her eyes as she stared at me and waved. I sighed and grabbed Sofia's bunny. "And now I will make this rabbit invisible" I lured the potion onto the rabbit and it turned invisible just as planned. Everyone clapped and the show was over. As I took off my robe I made sure my door and windows were closed.

Then I danced around singing "she kissed my cheek, my princess kissed my cheek!", "what happened to this is just a phase?" Wormy landed on my shoulder, "well even if it's not once I'm king y/n could maybe accept my hand". Wormy stared at me before hysterically laughing "you think-her-with you", I frowned "oh come on you see the way we just connect, it's meant to be. It's decided then once I get my hand on that amulet the kingdom and throne will be mine along with princess no Queen y/n as a bonus" I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep smiling.

Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now