The beauty and the beast

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I woke up in my plush bed and stretched out my arms. The sunlight leaked into the room and shone on my floor. It took a minute for my brain to fully process everything, it wasn't until I saw a f/c dress on a stand that I remembered what today was. I gasped and giggled. "It's my birthday!" I threw aside my blanket and jumped out of bed. I grabbed the dress and quickly put it on.

I snatched my tiara off the dresser and made sure it was straight. In the mirror there was a brown stick in my hair, "huh what's this doing here?" I questioned. A knock at the door made me jump a little, "come in" I called. Baileywick entered with my family behind him "happy birthday y/n!".

I smiled widely and teared up a little. "Aw thank you!" I hugged them. In Baileywick's hand was a little cupcake with a candle. "Make a wish!" Sofia beamed, I closed my eyes and thought about what I wanted. "I wish...I wish to be this happy forever" I whispered, I took a deep breath and blew out the flame.

After their little surprise I had Amber and James help me with the decorations while Sofia went somewhere with Cedric. My heart raced a little, oh god we have to tell everyone today. It's okay, we're gonna be okay. I mean what the worst that can happen....he could be banished,my dad will stop talking to me,I'll be made fun of, I'll never be queen.

Ok quite a few things can happen but no matter what we'll be in this together. "What flavor is your cake?" Amber asked, "I wanted strawberries this year". James licked his lips "brilliant", we chuckled at his reaction. I wonder what Cedric and Sof are doing.

Cedric's POV

"I don't know if the princess will like that" I said while Sofia held up a cute stuffed bear. She nodded and put it back. We've been having a tough time picking the perfect gift for y/n. How can you get the girl who literally has everything, a gift that won't be just another trinket?. We went shop to shop looking for something worthy but alas we failed miserably. "Don't give up mr.Cedric, think really hard. Did y/n mention anything she might want", I thought back to a couple of days ago.

~Mini Flashback~

"So you can manifest any flower" I asked as y/n put a flower crown on my head. We were in her secret garden talking, "only the ones I've seen, truly a pity". I put another carnation in her hair "how so?", she sighed "because I've only read about my favorite flower in a book. It's a rare breed, not many are left. Therefore I will never truly know what it looks like".

~End of mini flashback~

"I've got it!" I shot up slightly, scaring the princess, "what is it?!". I grabbed her hand and ran all the way into a plant nursery. "Excuse me but do you know where I can find the bloom of Haniel", the old woman behind the counter smiled and nodded. She brought out a piece of paper and began to draw and write. "It's a rare bloom, only grows on the north side of Luva island", I smiled and thanked her. "Well that was easy" Sofia stated, "now then let's go to this Luva island". We walked over to the docks and requested a boat. Obviously they gave us it for free, I had at least a quarter of knowledge about boating. Then again how hard can it be?


"What if we do an obstacle course!"Baileywick smiled and nodded. "Would you like p/n to be groomed?" He looked up from his list, "yes please, I'll go get him". I walked upstairs to my bedroom and looked under the bed. P/n was lying there staring back at me. "Come on, you need to look your best for my party", he did the most unexpected thing and growled.

I gasped and stood up quickly. "I-I'll just get, get one of the workers to get you", I was still startled by the sudden reaction. He's never growled at me even when I found him as a cub. He's been acting weird lately, almost like he's scared of something. I shrugged it off and told one of the workers if she could fetch him for me. I still had to make sure the decor was set up.

Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now