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Sorry had to repost this bc I accidentally deleted it

Cedric POV

Today's the day! I'm going to disguise myself as y/n's little boyfriend and steal her amulet. I gagged at calling the prince, I opened my book and found the spell. "Disguise-o change-o!" I waved the wand and pointed at myself. After the puff of smoke cleared I looked in the mirror. Instead of seeing myself I saw prince Aaron, "let's get started" I smiled and worried before teleporting myself to the outside of y/n's room. After straightening out my suit and taking a deep breath I knocked on her door. "Coming" her soft voice called, maybe this isn't such a good idea- no! I have to do this!. The door opened and y/n stood there in all her beauty. "You're beautiful inside and out" I whispered, "what?".

I jumped, realizing she heard me "I said wanna hang out?!", she shrugged and smiled "sure, come on we can go to the garden". She grabbed my hand, well more like she grabbed Aaron's hand which made me frown. We sat down in her little garden and started talking about Sofia's horse derby competition. "We have an extra seat do you wanna go with, I would have asked Viv but she's visiting another kingdom today" she asked looking into my eyes, "sure".

She clamped her hands together and grinned. "Uh I don't know if I already asked this or not but....where did you get your necklace?" I pointed, she looked down "oh from my step-mom she gave it to me as a gift". Then she held out her hand and twirled her finger. A soft glow shone on the ground and a small flower grew. She picked it and placed it in my hair.

I stared at her wide eyed "you look like when you first found out I could do this" she laughed. I continued to stare in disbelief, she showed him!. She trusts him more than me?!, that.is.it!. I'm going to kill this little bastard!. "Well this was fun but I better get ready for the derby, come on" we walked to her room, she picked out a dress and began to let down her hair.

I only spoke up when she began to remove her dress "w-what are you doing!" I yelled, she looked at me confused. "Uh, changing?" She continued, I grabbed her hands and pulled them down. "You shouldn't change in front of a man unless you're married" my face heated up, she giggled and pushed me away. "Oh Aaron you're such a kidder! Though can you help me with the laces' ' she turned around, I gulped and began to untie the strings holding up her dress.

She changes in front of him too?!!!!!, I couldn't even process how mad I was. "Thanks" she pulled off the sleeves, I turned around and pretended to look at something while letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Ok what do you think?", I turned around and gasped slightly.

"It's uh amazing", "y/n the carriage is about to- oh hello prince Aaron" Baileywick bowed

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"It's uh amazing", "y/n the carriage is about to- oh hello prince Aaron" Baileywick bowed. For a second I didn't know who he was talking to until I glanced in the mirror. "What?- oh yes! Hello again Baileywick, I'm guessing the carriage is about to leave for the race."

I finished his sentence, he smiled "Though if prince Aaron is coming with I suggest you go into a separate cart", y/n nodded and walked ahead. I helped her into the cart and sat down. As the horses were getting ready to take off I could tell y/n was uneasy. "What's wrong?" Before she could answer, the Pegasi flapped their wings and lifted us off the ground. Y/n yelped and buried herself in my side.

Out of instinct I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. After we were high in the air I released her, "princess are you scared of heights' '. "Oh come on Aaron I've been scared of heights since we were kids, and what's with the whole princess thing?" She looked away, I froze.

It wasn't me she hugged for comfort, it wasn't me who held her in my arms...it was prince Aaron. "S-sorry must have picked it up from Cedric" I faked a laugh, she laughed with me "true he's the only one who calls me just 'princess', I actually like that he's the only one who can call me that" she leaned against me. -....what....she doesn't- does she?. "Hey uh so how do you actually feel towards Cedric?" I rubbed the back of my neck, nervous of her answer. "I...don't know... I mean he's clumsy,sarcastic and cocky but he can also be Kind,goofy and charming. I think I'm beginning to feel something I haven't before" her cheeks flared pink, I sat wide eyed like an idiot. "Oh look, I can see the race!" She pointed below as the cart dived.

She grabbed my arm scared, I was too focused on what she said to comfort her like before. She likes me, I've been thinking she hates me all this time when it's the opposite.
I smiled like a lunatic, we landed and the footmen opened the door. We stepped out and headed towards the stands where we saw Sofia and Hugo racing.


Hugo definitely likes sofia and I'm living for it!. I looked over at Aaron who watched with interest. There's something off about him today but I can't put my finger on it. Hugo launched Sofia towards the finish line winning it all. I jumped up and cheered along with the crowd. "Wahoo! That's my sister!", I rushed to greet her. "Y/n! Oh hi prince Aaron" Sofia curtsied, Aaron smiled and bowed. "Good to see your Princess Sofia, congratulations", I happened to look over Hugo's shoulder and saw prince Raymond talking to some girls.

I gasped and grabbed Aaron's hand. "Uh will you excuse us" I dragged Aaron behind the stands. "He's here! Raymond's here!" I squealed, Aaron looked unaffected by the news "so?". I looked at him in disbelief "so? So go talk to him and finally tell him you like him!". Aaron froze and then started to laugh a little. I guess it is kinda funny, "I'll do it another day y/n I'm actually not feeling to great", I patted her shoulder and sighed "ok".

Cedric POV

As soon as we got back to the castle I left as prince Aaron and teleported to my tower. After making sure every window and door was shut I started dancing around the room hysterically laughing. "I'm such a dunce! He's gay! Prince Aaron is gay! She never liked him! It explains so much", Wormu stared at me like I was crazy. "And this means what?", I grabbed him and swung him around. "It means I have no competition and y/n likes me!, think about it if we get married I will automatically be king!", wormy laughed "woah what happened to she's just a little crush and besides you really think the king will let his daughter marry some sorcerer". "I mean he married a peasant woman so he can't say much" I shot back, "yeah fine ok marry her, she's the only one in the castle I actually like". I raised my eyebrow "what about me?", wormy flinched and nodded "yes you too..of course". Right then that's the new plan, I will marry
y/n..no matter what

Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now