Mr. Nettle

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Miss Nettle will now be male bc it helps the plot


"Sofia? Where are you going?" I asked my little sister as she was walking by, "oh, to mister Cedrics tower!". She said it right!, I smiled and put down the book I was reading "I'll come with, I love bothering him". Sofia giggled and whispered something. I wonder what she was thinking?We arrived at Cedric's door. I knocked a few times and heard a groan which made me smile. I pushed up the door and let Sophia go in first. "Hello mister Cedric '', he sighed and bent down to her level. "It's Ce-wait!you got it right!", "got what right?" Sofia asked. "My name!" Cedric's voice beamed with excitement, "Mister Cedric...was I saying it wrong before?".

I put my hand over my mouth to keep in a laugh, "oh, what do you two want?!, can't you see I'm preparing for the enchanted feast!". I totally forgot that it was today, I'll have to pick out my dress. A sparkling noise snapped me out of my head, 5 mirrors appeared in front of Sophia and I. "Woah it's like I'm a different person in each of these reflections!" Sofia walked around looking at herself, I've seen this trick done but I enjoyed seeing myself in different forms.

It was cool, "your rather quiet Princess y/n" Cedric came from behind me. I jumped a little "oh I'm just thinking about the dinner", he made the mirrors disappear as Sofia walked out with Clover. "What about it?", I shrugged "just small things, picking out what color dress and such" I looked outside his window. "F/c always looks lovely on you" he mumbled, I turned to him surprised by his comment.

I don't think he wanted me to hear that "did you say something?", he closed his book waving his hands. "No! No! But I do have to prepare so if you don't mind" he opened the door, I nodded and walked out waving. I proceeded down the stairs unaware of someone watching me.

3rd person POV

Mr. Nettle sat on a cloud with his pet Rose looking though an old book. "Is it there?!is that the amulet of the mystic isles gardens?!" The rose exclaimed, "yes it is! I thought it looked familiar the last time I saw the princess".

The rose faced her master "if you can get that amulet you'll be the most powerful fairy in the world", he smiled and threw the book aside to which it vanished. "And everyone will finally make way for Mr. Nettle", "but how are you gonna get it, I mean princess y/n knows what you look like and that you're up to know good, she won't just give you her amulet" the rose pointed out a whiny voice.

He thought about it and smiled. "Fear not Rosey for I have a plan!tonight is the enchanted feast and the castle is gonna have a surprise guest...Samuel the Sorcerer" he stood up, "never heard of him?" Rosey gave him a confused look.

He laughed "well then let me introduce you (magic poof) Samuel the Sorcerer at your service" his voice deepened making it unrecognizable. "Perfect!" Rosey yelled, "Y/n won't see it coming until it's too late" he made his tone whiny. "You're brilliant!" He smiled "I know". He pulled down his sleeve covering his plant friend and flew down from the clouds

Cedric POV

I could hear y/n shout "yay! I've won again!"Does she have to be perfect at everything? The sound of a Baileywick caught my attention and I listened in. "Excuse me your majesty, we have an unexpected visitor, May I present Samuel the Sorcerer '', I ran to my window. Who?the what? I looked outside careful not to let anyone see me, walking down the stairs in a rather prideful manner was a tall man followed by brown eyes.

He had brown hair that was neatly groomed, it was weird he looked old but also young at the same time. "I've come to pay my respects to the great king Roland, such a noble ruler deserves a royal scepter" he waved his wand and turned the king's mallet into a golden scepter. "That's very kind of you Mr..." he trailed off, "please call me Samuel your majesty and such perfect children must be the result of a kind,loving Queen" he made a bouquet appear and gave it to the queen.

Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now