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Ok so I had a hard time deciding whether to make Cedric go evil or not but I decided not to bc he's got his love and has no reason to be evil

(Takes place after S4/everyone is saved)

Y/n's POV

Everyone is finally safe, no more evil queens or wizards!. Sofia became an official Guardian,James is becoming a knight, Amber is gonna design dresses and I'm gonna be queen!. Everything is settled well almost everything. Cedric grabbed my hand after giving my necklace back. "It's over" he smiled, I wiped the tears from my eyes and laughed along with him. "What..what does this mean for us", Cedric tilted his head confused. "My dad expects us to rule Enchancia one day, I almost lost my sister,my family, my kingdom all in one day..I'm scared..I don't even know where to start", he pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me.

"We'll figure it out together..for now how about we start by making one thing official", I pulled away to look at him "what?". He pulled out his wand and waved in the air. A small bag falls into his hand, he put it in mine and leans closer to my ear "don't open it until later". I nodded and shoved the bag into my pocket.

We walked into the dinning hall hand in hand. We sat with our new allies and enjoyed a beautiful feast. "So when is the young princess becoming queen?" My aunt asked, my parents looked at each other and then at me with a warm smile. "Well we've decided that as much fun it is to rule this kingdom, we would be happier traveling and seeing the world..so if it's ok with Y/n we would like to have her coronation next year on her birthday", everyone turned towards Cedric and I. "Um yeah that sounds great dad" I lied and pulled a fake smile.

In reality I'm terrified, imagine being 19 and running a freakin kingdom!. I mean yes I have a whole year to figure things out but still!, it's a lot for a kid. "Well then all hail the future king and queen!" One of the guardians raised his glass and others did the same.

The dinner lasted forever until mom suggested we dance to finish off the night. As we glided against the floor I noticed Cedric staring at me, "what?" I giggled. He sighed "nothing your just breath taking to look at", I smiled and put my head on his chest. "Do remember the bag I gave you?", I nodded and pulled it out.

He took it from me and opened it slowly. After reaching inside he pulled out two shiny bands. "Is this?are you?" I started to tear up as he knelt down. "Princess Y/n I have loved you for a very long time, I can't think of anyone else I'd want to spend the rest of my life with other than you..so will you do me the honor of giving me your hand in marriage?", everyone gathered round to hear my answer. "I-I..YES!!!" I squealed, he slipped the f/c ring on my finger and stood up.

I put my hands around his neck and leaned in. His lips met mine as we shared a soft kiss while everyone clapped and cheered. Best night ever!.

- One year later-

(Couldn't decide which one was prettier)

(Couldn't decide which one was prettier)

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Magical feeling (Cedric x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now