The sleepover

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Y/n's POV

I woke up super excited for today, for today my friends will come over and have a big sleepover with my sisters friends. It's gonna be so much fun, I hopped out of bed and ran to my closet.

 It's gonna be so much fun, I hopped out of bed and ran to my closet

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I ran out of my room and crashed into someone. We both fell on the floor, I looked up to see Cedric?!. Please don't remember last night I prayed, ok just act normal. "Ugh watch where you're going Ceedrik", he scoffed "how about you don't go running everywhere like a hooligan". He stood up and stuck out his hand. I took it and he helped me up. "I was on my way to your room to ask what you were doing in the forest last night", my heart raced in fear. I kept a poker face and simply said "I wasn't in the forest last night, I was in bed.

You must have dreamt it", I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in front of him. "Do not play games with me princess, I know what I saw!", I glared "well if you know what you saw then why are you asking me?". His grip tightened a little "what were you doing", I yanked my wrist away and got in his face. "I was asleep. You're get out of my way...Sorcerer." I called him his title as if it were poison, he let go in surprise but looked unsatisfied. I hurried downstairs, still a little panicked about earlier.

I can't let anyone find out what I possess not unless I fully trust them. I saw Amber and Sofia walking out of the kitchen and walked up to them. "Showing Sofia where we're sleeping?" I asked Amber as we stepped into the elevator. "Yup!, here Sofia let me straighten your crown" she smiled at Sofia and did so. "Thanks Amber", I smiled to see my two little sisters getting along at last.

The doors opened and we stepped out into the laboratory. As the girls conversed I looked around not having been up there in ages. It was beautiful like always, "girls your guests have arrived" Baileywick announced and bowed. "Thank you Baileywick" I grinned and met my sisters in the elevator. As we walked out of the castle and onto the steps I could see my friends carriage.

Princess Vivinne and Prince Aaron stepped out. My dad knows he's gay so he had no issue letting him come. I curtsied as they did back to me. After them was Ambers "friends" and then Sofia's. I was a little surprised to see two village girls climb out of an old wagon but didn't care since Sofia was so happy. Amber on the other hand looked disgusted, I rolled my eyes at how childish she was when it came to the lower class.

It's a good thing I'm next in line, though it's a lot of work and responsibility. Baileywick led as inside and up to the observatory. Everyone got settled in and began to talk to each other. "I could barley sleep last night, it's been forever since we've had a sleepover" Aaron climbed onto his bed, Vivienne and I laughed. "Oh my what happened to your wrist!" She inspected my wrist, my eyes widened remembering this morning's...problem. "Oh uh, I must have hit myself without realizing it" I lied, they seemed to buy it and left it alone.

It was dark out so everyone changed into their night wear.  Mine was a silky f/c gown with little flowers embroidered on it. I looked over at Sofia's friends who were putting colored pine cones in their hairs and singing about being here. "They're on odd group" aaron stated smiling, "yes but they make Sofia happy and that's what truly matters". My friends agreed and we went back to our conversation about our least favorite class. "Ok girls...and boy it's time to paint fans" Baileywick looked at his watch, we all sat down and began to color the fans. Roses were the ideal result but I went a little far and painted a entire garden. "Show off" Aaron nudged me while Viv laughed.

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