The Ball

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Your POV

I woke up to the sound of my maid humming while opening the curtains ''Good morning Princess y/n''. I sat up and stretched "Goodmorning Lila ''. She bowed and walked out of my room. Today was Sofia's first day, I have to make sure she has the best time. A heard a soft growl coming from under my bed, I lifted the covers and was greeted by my pet p/n.

"Ah good morning p/n'' I scratched his head, I got out of bed and walked into my closet

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"Ah good morning p/n'' I scratched his head, I got out of bed and walked into my closet. I gazed around the 100's of dresses I owned and picked my favorite one. It was f/c and had diamonds on it. I slipped on my shoes and had Lila fix my hair. She placed my Tiara on me and shined my new necklace. "Thank you Lila!, bye p/n" I waved as I hurried downstairs.

I sat across Amber and James in the carriage. "Where's Sofia?" I looked around, "I'm right here!" Sofia came running out of the castle. I smiled and helped her in. Before taking off I heard an explosion and looked up at Cedric's tower. He was fanning out most of the smoke while coughing. I giggled and waved at him to which he scoffed and shut the window. "Jerk" huffed and sat back. As the horses took off I gripped the seat, "are you alright?" Sofia put her hand on my arm. "Yes I just have a small fear of heights and definitely drops", she smiled and held my hand "it's ok everyone is afraid of something".

I calmed down and watched as Sofia looked around amazed. I'm gonna be the best big sister I can be!The carriage landed and the footmen helped us out. Headmasters Fonna, Mary whether and Flora, "Sofia!" They greeted her. "I'll meet up with you at break time ok!" I called out to her as they started singing. "Hey y/n was that your new Sister talking to the headmasters" Princess Vivinne asked me, she was the older sister of Prince Zandar and my closest friend.

Unlike my younger siblings, my grade has no bullies. We just passed that, classes went by fast and soon it was break time. I was talking to my friends when Prince Aaron came up to me. He was the older brother of Princess Clio, "Uh y/n Sofia is gonna ride the enchanted swing". I froze and looked over to see that he was telling the truth. Oh no, Sofia swung higher and higher.

I ran towards her and stepped on a bench to get a boost. I jumped in the air and caught Sofia as we both landed in the fountain. Everyone gasped, Prince Zandar helped Sofia while Prince Aaron and Prince Raymond helped me out. "We better go change before class starts" I led Sofia to the bathroom, Amber is so dead when dad finds out.

Though I should have seen it coming, after all she's always been the jealous type. "Amber hates me" Sofia stated while squeezing the water out of her hair, "no she's just jealous cause she's not the precious baby girl anymore" I assured her. After a moment of silence she smiled at me " you and Mr. Ceedrik", I raised an eyebrow "what about us?". "Do you like him?", my eyes widened "what on earth gave you that idea?!".

She giggled "The way you too always tease and smile at each other kind of seems like you like each other", I rolled my eyes and dried my shoes. "Please he's an annoying,clumsy dunce, we've always teased each other ever since I was 9 and he was 13" I thought back to the time he tripped me while I was dancing. Sofia shrugged and put her tiara back on "just saying you guys would be cute together".

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