Chapter 1

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Lina's P.O.V

Moving from London to another place to start things from the beggining is awesome. I got really bored in London and wanted some changed. I'm really happy that I moved here and right now me and Hanna, my best friend since kindergarden, are in my car going to the new school. I forgot to talk about myself sorry. I'm Lina and I'm 16. My favourite movie is The fault in our starts, my favourite color is blue, my favourite food is Pizza. and lastly I'm crazy about 1D, 5SOS and R5....

Me and Hanna arrived at our new school and it looks awesome. I parked my car and we got out of the car and went inside the school's office to get our schedule. After we got our schedule from the old women who seemed to be pissed of from her job, we went to our lockers. "That was so awkward!" Hanna laughed at the thought of the pissed women. I laughed too and then a girl came to our locker "hello, I'm Christina!" She said and pulled out her hand as I shaked it and said my name and Hanna's name "Come on girls I'll show u around!" She said getting in the middle and grabbing our hands pulling us with her. As she showed us around we got to know each other more and suddenly after she showed us the last class the doors of the hallway opened and a group of "bad boys" got in. "This is the group I was talking bout, u should stay away from them, they're just trouble!" She said and the girls on the hallway were drooling over them. I rolled my eyes and looked at Hanna "What are their names?!" Hanna asked Christina and she began talking "Well, their names are: Jc Caylen, Kian, Ricky, Brent, Matthew, Christian, Aaron, Nash, Cameron, Carter, Shawn, Johnson and the leader Jack G!" She said and I looked at them only to find one of them looking ate and his eyes fell down my body and he licked his lips and his eyes came back to mine and we made eye contact. I made a discusted face and took Hanna's arm and we got away. We found out first class with Christina's help and sat down as the lesson started... after like 15 mins someone opened the door of the class and got in, I looked at the door only to find the idiot I made eye contact with. His eyes searched the class and as soon as they landed on me he started smirking and making his way towards me. OH SHIT. OH SHIT. Lucky me the both seats beside me are taken "Up, find another seat to sit!" He snapped to the girls next to me and she got up and found another place and sat down as he dragged the desk and putted it next to mine and sat down. "Hey, sexy, I'm JackG, whats yoo name?!" He asked me smirking "Uhmm, I'm Lina!" I said to him and continoued to write down on my notebook, but Jack took my pen "So Lina wanna go out sometimes?!" He asked smirking again and man his smirk is so breathtaking and his voice is so hot, and-... OK LINA, STOP AND FOCCUS. "Uh, sure why not!" I said and this time he smiled and then turned away to talk to his friend who appeared behind him into the seat next to him "Yo man, did u ask her?!" He asked Jack "Yeah, man she said yes!" Jack said and they stopped talking but soon got bored and throw a papper at the teacher "Who did this?!" He asked but nobody answered and tried to keep themselves from laughing. "I said Who the fuck throw a papper at me?!" He repeated again and when nobody answered he took his things and got out, as soon as the door closed we bursted our laughing. Mannnnnnn hearing Jack laugh the whole day I wouldn't mind at all. The lesson was over and we were all in our phone right now. "Yoo, Lina, can I have yoo numbaa!" He asked smirking and I smiled at him "Sure, hand me ur phone and I'll hande u mine and we exchange numbers!" I said and took his phone while handing him mine. After I was done I put my name as "Lina the sexy girl" And handed him his phone, and took mine. I went on my contacts and found a new name "Jack the sexy boy" I looked at him and he looked at me at the same time "Wow, matching names!" I said giggling as Jack smiled and then smirked "We would be the sexy couple!" He said and I blushed and after the bell rang we got out of the class and headed to the next class. The day went by very fast and the same things, I found out I have every class with Jack, so we were all the time together. Jack was flirting with me the whole day and thank god the school was over. I got into my car and waited for Hanna as she came with the boy Jack talked earlier today, who I learned his name was Jack Johnson, but everyone called him Johnson. She said goodbye to him hugging him and got into the passager seat. I smirked at her and she blushed "What?!" She asked and covered her face "Aww, do u like him?! Did he flirt with u?! Did u get his number?! When are u guys gonna sleep together?!" I asked her and she looked at me "Linaaa!" She punched me on the arm (not to hard!) and blushed even more if it could be possible "Ok, ok I'm messing around with u Hanna, and please stop blushing U're already like a red tomato!" I said laughing at her and she laughed along with me. We arrived home and It was perfect for her to be my neighbour. I got into my room and went in to play a little with my 2 year old brother Austin. After playing with him for like 2 hours, i ate dinner and went up to my room and changed into my pyjamas and went to sleep.

Hope u guys like it, its the beggining and its awful I know but I'll try my best for the next chapters... Sorry for my bad english tho.😞

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