Chapter 11

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Lina's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning by someone knocking on the door like crazy. I got up from my bed to see that Hanna wasn't here, anyways I went to the door and opened it to find Shawn "Hurry up and get ready we have to follow Hanna and Cam!" He said and I nodded and ran to change my clothes. After ten mins I was ready and we left. Me and Shawn got on his car and went on the same direction as Hanna and Cam. Shawn heard Cam talking on the phone about where they were going. We arrived at this restaurant and got out of the car and slowly got into the restaurant. We were wearing black clothes, I mean we were spying on Hanna and Cam right?!. Anyways Shawn saw them and pointed on their direction for me to see where they are and when I saw them My jaw fell to the floor. Hanna kissing Cam?!. I pulled out my phone and took some pics of them. After that we left and went back to the hotel. "Huh, we're such a good team, right?!" Shawn asked smiling and I nodded and smiled sadly. I still couldn't believe she was dating Cam behind my back. "Hey, hey dont worry, she might have a reason why she didn't tell u!" Shawn said and he took my head on his arms and kissed me on my cheek "See ya later, beautiful!" He said and left. I went back to my room and sat down "Mrs.Dallas" has so much to say when she gets back.... I wanted to get ready for my date with Jack when he texted me:
Jack:"ready for our date tonight?! Xx"
Me:"yup, totally. I was just about to start getting ready!"
Jack:"Cool, see ya later! Xx"
Me:"see ya! Xx"
I started getting ready for my date. i did my make up and Christina helped me find my dress and curled my hair. It was 6:55 when I was done "Jack is gonna be here in like-" i was interruped by a knock on the door. "He's here!" Christina said and ran to the door. she opened it to find Jack with a red rose on his hand. "Hey, Christina, where's Lina?!" He asked her "She's inside!" She said and grabbed Jack by the collar of his shirt and started kissing him. He put his hands around her waist and I just stood there shocked and tears runing down my face. "Wow!" I said and moved away from the scene in front of me. "Lina wait!" Jack said grabbing my arm "What?!" I screamed and turned to face him "She grabbed and kissed me!" He said and I laughed "Who cares!" I said and took my bag and went to Shawn's and Aaron's room. I knocked on the door and as soon as Aaron opened the door I hugged him "Woahh, What happened?!" He said and I pulled away and looked at him "Well, me and Jack were going on a date tonight and when he came to my room Christina opened the door and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him and he didn't pull away!. He was my date tonight and was kissing someone else infront of me!" I said and Shawn hugged me "Don't worry!. He's such a jerk! Ugh!" He said and pulled away. I turned around to talk to Aaron but he wasn't there. Oh no. He went to my room. I ran back to my room, Shawn following closely behind me. We arrived at my room to find Aaron standing shocked at the door. I looked inside my room to find Jack and Christina doing the dirty. I gasped and they finally saw us. "What are u doing Christina?!" Aaron screamed to Christina and she just let her head down. Jack got up from the bed and passed by me but when he was about to pass Aaron. Aaron was so angry so he turned around and punched Jack. and again. and again. and again. Punch after punch Jack was laying on the floor with blood on his face "Stop!" Christina screamed and Aaron got up "Dont talk to me!" He said slapping her on the cheek, I was shocked my hands went to my mouth🙊. "Dont talk to me anymore, never in ur life!" He said and left the room. I went after him and hugged him. "Come on, lets take some air, Shawn U coming?!" I asked and he nodded and the three of us left the hotel.

End of chapter 11.
So much dramaaa. haha. Gonna be updating 4-5 more chapters tonight so be ready!. :)

And pls comment what u think about the story and comment if I should continue with the story or nah!. Peace and Love. (:

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