Chapter 14

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Lina's P.O.V

* It was dark and I was walking there in the woods "Lina, baby!" A women's voice called me. Her voice was said like she was crying. I ran the same direction as that voice "Lina, come on baby!" She called me again. i followed her voice and I finally saw her but I couldn't see her face coz her back was facing me. I got closer and closer to her "I'll see u sooner than u think!" She said and turned around to face me.*"LINA. LINAAA!" I opened my eyes to see Shawn with a worried expresion on his face. "Don't cry Lina pls!" He said and hugged me "Tell me what did u see!" He said and I looked at him "I saw a women she called me she said she'll find me!." I said and he hugged me just as Aaron walked into the room with a sad expresion on his face and when he saw me he just ran and hugged me. At first I was confused but I hugged him back "God. It feels so good to have u on my arms again!" He said while hugging me "What are u talking about?!" I asked confused and he pulled away. "Me, Christina and U are gonna meet someone tonight." he said smiling and I smiled too "Okay then!" I said and he turned to Shawn "Can I talk to u for a minute?!" Aaron asked Shawn and Shawn nodded and they got out of the room and I pulled out my phone and went on twitter reading sweet and cute tweets about #LAWN that made me smile.

Aaron's P.O.V

"Listen, sorry man if u guys have the date tonight. Its important to meet someone today!" I said as soon as we got out of the hotel room. "Its okay man. we're gonna go out tomorrow but who are u gonna meet?!" Shawn asked me "Mom!" Christina answered with tears on her eyes "Why are u crying?!" Shawn asked Christina and she looked at me than at Shawn "Well. Uh. today we found out that Lina is our kidnapped sister and today she's gonna meet mom and lets see how it goes. pls dont say anything to her!" Christina said and Shawn looked confused,surprised, sad and kind of happy for Lina. "Wow. uhmm ok I wont say anything!" Shawn said and went back to his and Lina's room. as me and Christina went out to get some food for breakfast.

Shawn's P.O.V

Wow. Lina's brother and sister are Aaron and Christina. wow. wow. wow. This is the reason they look so alike. But how was Lina kidnapped?! Who kidnapped her?! Why did they kidnappe her?!. I went inside and saw Lina on her phone smiling. "What are u doing?!" I asked her and she looked at me "Oh nothing just reading tweets!" She said and locked her phone "Oh about us right?!" I smirked getting closer to her "No!" She said biting her lip trying to keep herself from smiling but she made it way hotter and I couldn't resist her "Are u sure?!" I said still smirking and now I was close to her "Yes!" She said "Are u ticklish?!" I asked and her eyes widened "I take that as a yes!" I said and started tickling her as her laughter filled the whole room. "Stop. pls!" she said between laughs and I stopped. She got up from the bed and went to thebathroom to change. I waited in the room and suddenly I heard something in the bathroom like somthing or someone falling on the floor. I got up from my bed and ran to the bathroom door "Lina. are u okay?" I asked and I didn't hear any answer "Lina?!" I asked again and she didn't answer. I pulled out my phone and called Aaron. "Man. Come on to mine and Lina's room!" I said "Why, what happened?!" He asked and I could hear that he was worried "We were here in the room and I started tickling her and then after like 20 mins she got up and went to the bathroom to change and then I heard a sound like someone fell on the ground and now I'm at the door calling her and she wont answer!" I said and when I finished Aaron was on the room. He put his phone on his pocket "Get ready to break this door!" He said and I nodded. We broke the door to find Lina on the ground. Her eyes were closed. her body was cold. Aaron got up and called an ambulance and after 10 mins they came and took her and I went with her on the ambulance and Aaron and The others followed behind with the Magcon van.

Aaron's P.O.V

We've been here for three hours. Three fucking hours and they wont say anything. Mom came two hours ago. she's crying so much for Lina, so were all the others. Suddenly the doctor came out of Lina's room "can u pls say something?!" I asked him and he nodded "Well, we did some tests and the result are all good. she just hit her head and has a headache right now but next time pls take care of her "we will!" My mom said and went inside the room and me and Christina followed behind "Dont follow, they need Family time!" Shawn said and they all went to the waiting room.

Lina's P.O.V

I woke up earlier and I have a really big headache. I was drinking some water when a women came into my room. She has been crying and who is this women?! What is she doing here?! I thought to myself when after her came in Aaron and Christina. "Uhmm. excuse me who are u?!" I asked and the women took my hand in hers "Lina, baby!" She said and her voice sounded familiar. WAIT. I KNOW THIS VOICE. it was the same sad, crying voice like the women's in my dream today. "Well, this isn't the right way to say this but I'm ur mom, Aaron and Christina are ur siblings!" She said and looked at me, My hand was still on hers "What?!" I whispered "I'll explain everything to u just wait till daddy comes ok?!" She asked smiling and I nodded. After five mins a man around 40's came into the room. she came to my bed and took my hand on his "My little Princess!" He whispered......
It was a sunny day, I was 4 years old and daddy was chasing me while Christina, Aaron and mom were laughing at us "I'm coming to get u!" He said and grabbed me and started tickling me "Stop, daddy!" I said between my laughs. My dad stoped and looked at me he took my little hand on his and we walked back to mom, Aaron and Christina "U got her daddy!" Christina jumped up and down "Yeah I got her!" Daddy said laughing. Christina came to daddy and me "Daddy, U always tell me and Aaron that we are ur little cupcakes. So who is Lina?!" She asked holding daddys hand, he got on his knees and came to our level "My little princess!" He whispered.*
i looked up and smiled "Daddy!"

End of chapter 14

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