Chapter 17

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A week later (London)
Lina's P.O.V

"Princess!" Shawn woke me up kissing my lips "Morning!" He said as soon as I opened my eyes and I smiled "Morning my sunshine!" I said kissing him back. "Come on get up, we have party tonight!" Shawn said and I got up from the bed confused "What party?!" I asked and he smirked "U'll find out tonight!" He said and I kissed him and went to the bathroom. After I took a shower, I got out of the bathroom only to find the girls on my bed "Girls, where's Shawn?!" I asked the girls looking at the time on my phone (14:34) "He's getting ready with the boys, and we came to get ready with u, but first we're gonna get u ready so come on sit!" Mahogany said smirking and the girls started their work. Hanna doing my make up, Christina curling my hair and Mahogany looking on 3 suitcases for perfect dress for me. "Huh, finally I'm done!" Christina said and I giggled "U have so much hair!" She said laughing "okay next!" She said and Mahogany screamed "YES, FINALLY!" And we looked at her "I found the perfect dress!" She said and we all started laughing.

Shawn's P.O.V

"Man, u look awesome!" Aaron said giving me a bro hug. "We all look great!" Johnson screamed and we laughed. My family and Lina's family were already at the restaurant waiting for us. Me and boys arrived and we were waiting for the girls when we saw Mahogany parking her car in the restaurant's parking. I got so excited when I saw Lina. She looked so good in that dress, with those curly hair going all the way down her back. She got in the restaurant with girls behind her. I took the mic and started my way to Lina "Ladies and Gentleman I'm Shawn Mendes and this beautiful girl infront of me is my girlfriend-" i said to the people and turned to Lina "Lina all the words in the world could not even begin to describe how deeply I am in love with u, from the first moment I saw u until the never-ending heartbeat u have given me. Even if I spend the whole day, every moment with u, I'll miss u the very second u leave. I love the way u smile, I love the way u laugh, I love the way u look at me when I sing to u, I love the way u're so sweet with babies, I love the way u're so nice to ur friends and so suportive. U're the best things that's ever happened to me. I'm truly, deeply, madly in love with u!. Happy anniversary my love and Happy birthday. Hope we'll have so many other years together!" I said and by now Lina was in happy tears. everyone started clapping their hands at my speech for Lina and she just pulled me for a hug and as soon as she pulled away she kissed me and took the mic "Thanks for the sweet words my love. I love u so much that I cant even describe with words. U're my one and only. Happy Anniversary to the boy I want by my side for the rest of my life, I LOVE U!" She said and kissed me while everyone clapped their hands again at us. "Happy Anniversary to u guys!" A man said and we thanked him.

Lina's P.O.V

"Lina, Sis. Happy birthday silly!" My friends screamed and gave me gifts.
"Come on, Lets see our gift its outside!" My parents and and Shawn's parents said and we went outside to see a Bmw and mine and Shawn's parents got closer to the car "This is our gift for u!" They said and I smiled at Shawn. After admiring the car we went back to the restaurant and sat down, and Shawn came with a big box. I opened the box to see a little Husky puppy. "This is my gift for u!. What are u gonna name him?!" Shawn asked me smiling and I looked at him "Lucky!" I said and he smiled kissing my forehead "This is Lucky!" He screamed for the others to hear and they clapped and smiled. we continued our night having fun. And let me say that It was the best birthday ever.

End of chapter 17.

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