Chapter 2

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Lina's P.O.V

I parked my car at the school's parking lot and got out and went directly to my locker and as I opened it a letter fell down. I picked it up and read it:
"Hope u like the rose!
I looked at my locker and found a red rose and smelled it. It smelled so good. I put it on my locker as soon as I saw Jack coming and Johnson and Hanna were behind him. We hugged and then went to class. I sat on my desk and found another papper.
"I'm in ur class, and I'm looking at u right now!
I looked around the class and found this hot boy who winked at me and then turned around to face the teacher. "Jack!" I whispered and Jack got closer to me to hear what I was going to say "Who's that guy over there?!" I asked pointing at the cutie and Jack looked at me wide eyed "He's Matthew, Matt Espinosa, I'd like for u to stay away from him. He's a player!" He said offending the cutie named Matt😍. "Like u aren't!" I said sassily and continoued writing down on my notebook. The lesson went by and it was time for Lunch. I found Hanna and we went to my locker and then some fake blonde pulled up to my locker with two minions behind her "Hey Lena!" She said fake smiling "Its Lina. And who are u?!" I said to her and she came closer to my face "I'm Jack's girlfriend and I want u to stay away from him, if u dont want me to make ur life a living hell!" She said and I laughed "Oh, How I would like to see u try that!" I said and she got red from anger "U have to stay away from him, do u hear me!" She screamed and created a croud around us. "Nope, I cant hear u and why would I stay away from him when we're just friends!" I rolled my eyes and she laughed "He doesn't have girl friends!" She said and someone put his arm around me. I looked up and found the cutie or hottie Matt Espinosa, who now I have a crush on. "U have nothing to worry about Jack and her. She's my girlfriend so fuck off now!" He said and I looked at him. He took my hand and interwined our fingers and dragged me away from the croud and as soon as we were far away from the croud I let go of his hand and turned to him "What was that Matt?!" I asked him and he seemed to be surprised that I knew his name and had this stupid hot smirk on his face "I wanted to save u, Its better for u. Believe me she's the most dangerous girl at school, she's rich and might ask her daddy to send someone after u. and I dont want that thing to happen to u for his fault when he's not worth it!" He said and looked at me as I looked and got lost in his eyes. I went and hugged him. My arms were on his waist as his arms were around me holding me tight "Thanks Matt!" I said and he kissed the top of my head "No problem beautiful!" He said and we pulled away. but while I was on his arms I felt safe and I'd stay that way the whole day. "Listen now we have to tell everyone that U're my girlfriend so Stela wont do anything to u. This is our secret ok?!" He asked and I nodded "Ok!" he smiled and took my hand "Ready Girlfriend?!" He smirked and I giggled "Yeah Boyfriend!" We interwined out fingers and they fitted perfectly together. we went to my locker as everyone looked at us. I took my things and got out of the school to my car. Matt came with me since he didn't have a ride and Hanna went home with Johnson. Matt took the keys to my car and went on the drivers seat to drive but first opened the door to me. We started going on different directions from the house "Matt, where are we going?!" I asked him and he smirked "Oh, dont worry girlfriend, we'll just go to a place I really like to think!" He smiled and put on some music and we sang along to it.

We arrived at the place and sat down. It was perfect. we got to know each other more and more and it was late we were watching the stars, I put my head on Matt's shoulder and sleep took over me as I felt safe on Matts arms!.☺️.

End of chapter 2

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