Chapter 6

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Lina's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning by someone jumping on my bed. I opened my eyes and found 5sos boys jumping up and down. "Guys, can u stop?! And when did u guys come?!" I asked them and Michael came and kissed my hand "My lovely princess!" He said and I laughed at him. I got up from my bed and did my morning routine. "Lina, I have a present for u and it is down stairs!" Luke said smirking and I raised my eyebrow "Okaaaaay!" I said and went downstairs. as soon as I got into the living room I fell on the ground and someone was licking my face I opened my eyes and found my dog Lucky and my cat Angel! "Awww, i've missed u!" I said and they kept licking my face.

We arrived at school and as soon as I saw Jack and Aaron I ran towards them "Guys!" I screamed and hugged them. they laughed "Linaaa!" They screamed and hugged back. We went to the class and sat on our desks and the lesson started. Aaron, Jack and Johnson kept throwing letters at the teacher, Jack kept glaring at Luke and girls kept drooling over Luke and glaring at me for being friend with Luke. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone and starteda group chat with Aaron, Jack, Luke, Johnson, Calum and Hanna!.
Me: "This class is so boring god!"
Luke:"Hate it!"
Hanna:"fucking boring!"
Aaron:"Did u hear about the new band that started going at our school?!"
Me:"Nope who?!"
Aaron:"I think they're called R5 or something like that!"
Me:"Are they hot?!"
Hanna:"thought u wouldn't ask this question! Lol!."
Me:"U know me Hanna!"
Luke:"I do too!"
Johnson:"Anything wrong mate?!"
Jack:"Nope, nothing!"
Me:"Ok, get off of ur phones the teacher's coming!" I texted them and we all left our phones and laughed quietly. the class went by and now I'm at my locker taking my books for the next lesson!. I locked my locker and as soon as I turned around I bumped into someone "Ooops, I'm sorry, I am Rydel and I just started school here I'm lost. Could u maybe show me around?!" Rydel asked nicely "Hi, I'm Lina its ok I was like this for about a month ago so yeah, give me ur schedule!" I said to her and she handed me her schedule. we had the same classes so its gonna be easy "Well we have the same classes so come with me!" I said and we headed to next period which was Biology. I got to know her brothers and best friend during the biology class. They were R5 Aaron was talking about. I found Ross so so so so so Hot omg He's like so hot and wait, I also think that Jack is hot and Luke is hot, Omg. Am I falling for 2 or 3 boys. Oh god!. I shook my head to get my thoughts out of my head "Something bothering u?!" Riker asked "Nope, just a bee!" I smiled and he smiled too and continoued listening to the teacher.
The school day was over and Today I was having a movie night with my friends!.
And invited were a lot people but its only 5sos boys: Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael, Jack and Jack, Aaron, R5: Riker, Rydel, Rocky, Ratliff, Ross, and Hanna.

End of chapter 6
Movie night on chapter 7

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