Chapter 3

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Lina's P.O.V

I woke up by some snoring sounds of my gorgeous boyfriend. I looked up at him and found him sleeping while my head was on his chest and his arms around my waist. I looked at his beautiful face, admiring him "Are u done staring?!" Matt asked smirking and brought me back to reality coz I was lost in Matt's world. I blushed and he kissed my cheek "Come on beautiful lets go to school!" He said and we got into my car and drove home for me to change. Matt parked the car on the school's parking lot and we started going out but as I was about my door to get out Matt opened it for me and offered me his hand and I took it smiling at him as he smiled back. we interwined our fingers and went directly to class. Matt opened the door and we got in and Jack glared at us two. I looked down and Matt pulled me with him to his desk. I sat on his lap and he kissed my neck tickling me "Stop Matt!" I giggled at him and took a chair and sat next to him.

Jack's P.O.V

I talked with Lina yesterday about Matt and she didn't listen to me and now she's dating Matt. I have to talk with Matt today. The lesson went by and Matt took her hand and they got together out of the class, I was about to go behind them but Stela stoped me "They're a good couple, right?!" She asked smirking and I rolled my eyes "Get out of the way Stela!" I said and pushed her away and went after Lina and Matt. I found Matt staying with Aaron and Shawn. "Matt, can we talk?!" I asked him and he smirked "Sure, Jack!" He said and we got out of the school. "I want u to stay away from Lina!" I said and he laughed "Why would I stay away from my Girlfriend?!" He asked and I got read from anger "I know u Matt, I know what stupid things u do, U will not use her!" I said and he rolled his eyes "Whatevaaaaa Jacky!" He said and I couldn't hold myself anymore, My fist made contact with his jaw, and Again and again and again "Stop Jack!" Aaron, Shawn, Cameron and Nash pulled me away from him.
"This is not gonna end here!" I said to Matt who now was on the ground and went to my car and drove away!.

Lina's P.O.V

I was sitting with Hanna having Lunch when Christina came running to our table. "Lina, Lina, Jack is beating up Matt!" She said and I got up from my seat "where are they?!" I asked her and she pointed outside. I ran out and found Matt on the ground "Matt! What happened?!" I asked him and he looked at me "Well Jack beat me up and believe me this is not gonna end here!" He said and got up and went to his car. I searched for my keys and found them on my pocket. I got into my car and followed Matt. He pulled up to a house and on the driveway was Jack's car. I got out of the car fast and went after him. He went to the door and knocked "JACK, OPEN THE DOOR!" He screamed and an old lady opened the door as I was now behind Matt. "Oh Matt, He's taking a shower if u want u can wait in the living room!" She smiled at us and Matt kissed her cheek "Ok, we'll wait Jenn!" He said and I followed him to the living room and after that the old women Jenn came in to clean Matt's face. "What happened to u?!" She asked and Matt pointed to Jack who now was in the room. He smirked and looked at me. "Ur boyfriend isn't that tough, huh?!" He asked and Matt got up and punched him and I heard a crack and It seems he broke Jack's nose. "Jack!" I screamed and they continoued punching each other "Guys, Stop!" I screamed and then I ran out of breath, I couldn't breath so I fell and it my head really hard somewhere and everything turned black.

Matt's P.O.V

I was punching Jack when Jenn screamed "Lina fainted and she wont get up!" She screamed, I pushed Jack out of the way and went next to her. We tried to wake her up but she didn't wake up so we called the ambulance and went to the hospital. we waited for the doctor and he finally came out. "We're sorry to tell u but Lina..." he stoped "What happened?!" I screamed "Calm down, Matt!" Jack said grabbing my arm "She hit her head very hard and if she doesn't wake up this week, then she's in coma. I'm sorry!"

End of chapter 3

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