Chapter 7

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Lina's P.O.V

I arrived home and started setting things. Luke, Cal, Ash and Michael went to the grocery store and bought some food and stuff like that, while Ross came with me to help me. He found the movies and I was making popcorn. It was 6p.m and the others arrived. We watched a comedy movie and then started playing Would u rather?!...
"Ok, would u rather date Lina or marry Stela?!" Johnson asked Jack and he smirked "Pshtt, easy, I'd date Lina!" He said and winked at me and Luke glared at him. I let it go and we changed the game to Truth or Dare!. "Ross, Truth or Dare?!" Aaron asked Ross "Uhmm, Dare!" He answered and Aaron smirked "I dare u to go out and jump on the pool!" He said and Ross rolled his eyes getting up "Wait, guys, I'm gonna take my camera I dont wanna miss this!" I said and ran to my room and took my camera. I went downstairs and recorded Ross jumping into the pool. we all cheered for him "Hanna, keep recording!" I said handing my camera to her and jumped on the pool with Ross. after that all the other jumped into the pool In the middle of the night!. We went back to my house and the lights were off and wouldn't go on. I pulled out my phone and something caught my eye FRIDAY 13TH. "Guys, Its friday and its the 13th, I'm scared!" I said and hugged whoever was next to me. "Yeah, I'm scared too!" Cal said and I tried to find him into the darkness "Cal?!" I said "Yeah!" He whispered "where are u?!" I asked him and suddenly the lights came on and Cal started screaming "AHHHH, who are u hugging?!" He asked and I looked at the man who had a mask on, I tried to run but he grabbed my hair and put his knive on my throat "If u get closer I'll kill her!" He said and it was so scar- wait a minute, I know that voice I know who It might be "Really Connor?!" I said and he took his mask off "How did u know it was me?!" He asked and I rolled my eyes and punched him on the arm "I know ur voice and U idiot gave me a heart attack!" I said and he laughed "Who's this?" Luke asked and Hanna answered for me "This is Connor Lina's stepbrother!" She said hugging him and I nodded "Yup!" ... The hours went by and they all decided to stay over for the night.

End of chapter 7

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