Chapter 13

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Lina's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning after a very good sleep. I lift my head up and saw Shawn. He was peacefully sleeping next to me, his arm around my waist and my head was on his chest and I had these sparks while I was on his arms. I slowly wanted to get up to not wake him up but he turned to face me and grabbed me with his arms pulling me to his chest again "Dont go!" He whispered on my ear with his sexy deep morning voice. "Ok!" I whispered and just looked around the room to see Cam and Hanna sleeping together and Aaron wasn't here. "Where's Aaron?!" I asked him "He went to get us food!" Shawn answered and kissed my neck slowly. I got those butterflies on my stomach again. What is going on with me?!. I thought. and why do I feel so safe on his arms. I remembered that before we went to sleep the menager told us that we will have to leave today coz We're going to LA right now so I should go to my room and get ready. "Shawn, I have to go to my room. we will have to leave soon!" I said "Ok!" He said letting me go. I turned around and kissed him on the cheek. I went to my room and started getting ready. Christina wasn't there but who cares anyway. I dont wanna see her. I finished my make up and hair and got dressed. I took my suitcase and my bag and went back to Shawns room. When I opened the door he had a same outfit "Heyy!" He smiled "We matched our clothes!" He said hugging me "yup, Its awesome.!" I said and he smiled down at me. these butterflies never leaving my stomach. what is going on. Am i falling for Shawn or what?. A sound of a camera brang me to reality. I looked behind me and Shawn to find Matt with a smirk on his face. "This is so going on twitter!" He said and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever!" I said and he smirked even more. My phone beeped. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and Oh my...
"@TheMattEspinosa what a lovely couple. #Lawn shipper babyyyy!.:)"... I went to read the comments and god there was a bit of hate but all the others were happy that we're dating. "they love us!" Shawn said hugging me from behind and I nodded. These butterflies took over me. After a long plan flight we arrived to L.A... Jack, Aaron and Christina sorted things out and now they're all talking. Jack and Aaron are friends again and Jack is dating Christina so yeah. they apologized to me, so its ok again. We had a show tonight so we had to get ready. we went to our hotel rooms and did our make up, Hair, changed our clothes and met up with each other in the hallway at 4pm. we started the show at 5:30 pm so we had enough time to eat some food before the show.

Shawn's P.O.V

I wanted to ask Lina on a dat with me and I wanted it to be special "Nash, come here!" I said pulling Nash away from the others "Whats up buddy?!" He asked and I looked at Lina who was smiling and laughing with each other. "I wanted to ask Lina on a date and I wanted it to be special. do u have any idea?!" I asked him and he thought about it "Uhmm. ask her on the stage tonight!" He said smiling "U think so?!" I asked and he nodded still smiling "But hey dont forget a rose!" He said "Should I get a red one or pink one?!" I asked him "A red one. Its more romantic. Me and Cam will figure out the lights and the music. Trust me buddy! Good luck for tonight!" He said giving me a bro hug and left. i went to the store and bought a red rose and then went backstage to leave the rose.

Lina's P.O.V

Here I am. Performing today infront of my fans with my friends. "Okay guys and right now Shawn Mendes and Lina Zeqiri will sing Life of the party by Shawn Mendes!" Nash said and the croud went crazy "Go Lawn!" Matt screamed and the fans started screaming after him "Ok, everybody Go Lawn, go Lawn!" All of the fans all of my mates, all of securities even Shawn screamed. oh god. I sat next go him and we sang Life of the party. "Stay here!" Shawn said and went backstage. I sat there waiting when suddenly a slow music started and the lights turned red. It looked so romantic. I looked around for Shawn when he came with a red rose on his hand. the fans went crazy. "Lina, I wanted to ask, Uhmm. Will u go on a date with me?!" He said getting on his knee with the rose on his hand. I took the rose and he got up. I hugged him and whispered "I'd love to!" Shawn pulled away smiling and screamed "Yess". the fans smiled and laughed at him and he blushed. "I'm gonna ask fans what they think about this!" Matt said going to the fans and asked them. and these were the answers:
"It was so cute. Omg Lina is so so so lucky to have Shawn on her life. Love u guys!" This fan said and we both smiled, thanked her and said that we loved her too.
"U guys are so sweet love u love u love u!" The other fan said "Love u too love u too love u too! Thank u very much beautiful!" Me and Shawn said at the same time and looked at each other and giggled. And so were fans going crazy, taking pics, videos, and stuff... the show ended and we went back to our hotel rooms. We were all so tired and I was sharing a room with Shawn so its awesome. We changed into our pyjamas and went to bed. Shawn put his arms around me, My back was to his chest and he kissed my neck slowly. "Goodnight beautiful!" He whispered in my ear and I got butterflies again and sparks. "Goodnight handsomie!" I whispered and turned and kissed his cheek. Being on his arms I feel so safe, like no one can touch me or hurt me. He's my hero. My world. My LOVE. Thinking about him slowly sleep took over me.

End of chapter 13

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