Chapter 18

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Lina's P.O.V

I got up from a really bad headache and from someone next to me groaning. I opened my eyes and saw Shawn holding his head and as soon as he turned to me he smiled "Morning my sunshine!" He said kissing my lips "Morning babe!" I said kissing back. I got up from the bed and went to take two pills and two glasses of water. As I left the kitchen someone stoped infront of me, I looked down and saw Lucky "Hey buddy!" I said touching him "Come on lets go to daddy!" I said to him giggling at the thought of daddy and Lucky followed closely behind me. We got back to Shawn and handed him a pill and a glass of water and Lucky jumped up from behind me on Shawn's lap and he giggled "Hey Buddy, do u like mommy?!" He said giggling at the dog and turned to me, I rolled my eyes and gave him a peck on the lips and took Lucky from his lap to go give him some food. After he ate his food we got ready and were about to go out at the park when we heard noises coming from the room next to ours which Hanna's and Cam's room. I smirked at myself and we got out of the door and started our way to the park.

Nash's P.O.V

I was on my phone listening to music when Johnson kept shaking my arm. I pulled out my earphones and looked at him "What Johnson?!" I asked him and he smirked pointing to the next room A.k.A Hanna's and Cam's room. I listened closely to hear them moaning. "They're doing the dirty!" I said making a disgusted face while Johnson sat there laughing.

Hanna's P.O.V

"Cam, u were amazing!" I said to him smirking and kissed his lips "U were amazing too babe!" He said and I got up from the bed "I'm gonna take a shower!" I said and He came runing and picked me up and pulled me to the bathroom to take a shower with me.

Lina's P.O.V

I was having a great walk with Shawn when some fans came up to us. They got some pics with Shawn and some of them took pics with me too. They were sweet but not all of them. Anyways after our little meeting with fans we went back to the hotel and to our room. I just jumped on the bed and sleep took over me.

End of chapter 18
I know its not good but sorry I'm sleeeepyyy!. Peace and Love.

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