Chapter 9

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Lina's P.O.V

While me and Hanna arrived at the airport we met up with JackG, Johnson and the other. we were all going on tour together so that was great. Hanna and Johnson were sitting together, me and Jack, Aaron and Christina, Carter and Matthew, Nash and Cameron, Shawn and Hayes, Kian and Jc, Connor and Ricky, Brent and Chris, Trevor and Sam. Brent and Chris were alone as a group just the two of them. Kian, Jc, Trevor, Connor, Ricky and Sam were together as O2L (Our2ndLife) and me, Hanna, Jack, Johnson, Matthew, Aaron, Nash, Cameron, Hayes, Carter, Shawn and Christina were together as MAGCON. We arrived in London and visited some places there, taking pics and stuff. We did some vines together at London eye and we went to Nando's too. Its pretty awesome, no wonder why Niall likes to eat there so much, the food is great. it was getting dark so we went to our Hotel and went to our rooms. I shared my room with Hanna and Christina so yeap. We invited the boys and we did a video to tell our fans to come and meet us at the park and that we started a tour and they should buy tickets to see us. After that we were so tired and we went to sleep. Lets see what tomorrow is gonna bring to us.

End of chapter 9

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