Chapter 4

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Matt's P.O.V

Lina didn't wake up this past 2 weeks. I've been with her always. Her family came to visit her with her little brother Austin who was sitting on my lap right now playing on my phone. After Lina's parents a boy about our age came into the room and took her hand "Lina, beautiful come on wake up, Look its me Luke. we haven't seen each other for a long time!. I missed u. C'mon get up!" He said to her as a tear fell down his face. who's he?!... Austin jumped from my lap and went on his arms "Lukie!" He said and Luke hugged him tight and tickled him and he giggled. I looked at Lina and her eyes were open and she was smiling at that Luke guy and Austin "So, I see my little penguins saw each other again after 4 months!" She said and Luke and Austin hugged her.

Lina's P.O.V

We arrived home and I broke up with Matt. Its not like we were dating because that we loved each other. He wanted to protect me but he has a girlfriend now and we're just friends. Right now I'm sitting here on my room with my besties the 5SOS boys. I know what u're thinking. How does she know them. Well me, Hanna and the 5Sos boys were friends since kindergarden and we grew up together but the boys got famous and they started going on tour and I haven't seen them for four months. "That's so scary!" Michael screamed as we were watching a horror movie "Stop being such a bab- AHHH!" Calum screamed and hugged Hanna and we all laughed at him.

The morning came by and it was time for me to do a youtube video. I talked with Luke and Ashton last night and we are gonna do BFF tag as Hanna will be doing BFF tag with Calum and Michael. I set everything on its place and started the video "Whats up everyone it's Lina. sorry for missing 2 weeks but I was in the hospital. Yesterday my besties came to visit me so everyone this is Luke and Ashton! The 2/4 of 5SOS members.!" I said pointing at them and they waved to the camera. We ended the video and I was editing it while Austin kept pushing some random buttons on my laptop. "Luke!" I screamed "Whaaat?!" He screamed back "Can u pls come and take Austin?!" I said and he came in my room and took Austin "I'm such a good friend!" He said and I laughed "Of course and u're my penguin!" I said and kissed his cheek "Come on buddy, lets go play now!" Luke said to Austin and they left the room and I finished editing the video and posted it on Youtube!. I'm quite famous on youtube. I have like 5.253.927 subscribers!... My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID "Jack the sexy boy" I rolled my eyes and answered "Hello, Jack!" I said "Hey, Lina, can we meet up?!" He asked and I nodded but then I remembered that he couldn't see me "Uh yeah!" I said "Great, meet me outside!" He said and I looked from the window of my room to find Jack outside, he was leaning against his car, his glasses on, "u see me?!" He asked and waved his hand to my window, I giggled and nodded and then hung up. I changed my clothes and went downstairs. "Luke, I'm leaving with my friend I'll see yaa later!" I said and got out closing the door behind me. "Hey Jack!" i said as I was near him. he took of his glasses and Hugged me "hey how u doing?! U feeling better?!" He asked me and I nodded "Yeah, I'm better now thanks!" I said and he opened the door to his car for me. I got in and then he ran to the drivers seat and we drove away, Listening to music, talking and laughing. we pulled up to a park and got out. We walked around the park, he talked about his family and friends. and then it was my turn. after that we went back home and I went to sleep and he went to his house!.

End of chapter 4

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