Chapter 16

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3 weeks later

Lina's P.O.V

"What's up guys! Its Lina here, I'm here with my lovely boyfriend Shawn Mendes and he's gonna do my make up for me, so here we go! Shawn u have all the things u need right infront of u so just go on!" I said to my camera and Shawn as we were filming a video for my channel.
After 5 mins
"Wow, I look so bad!" I said giggling and Shawn was laughing at me "U really find it that funny?!" I asked him trying to act angry and trying to hide my smile "Y-Yeah!" He said between laughs. I grabbed his head and kissed his face leaving him with red lipstick on his face and I laughed at him "HaHa now we both look funny!" I said and he kissed me. "Well that's it for today guys, hope u like this video. If u do make sure to give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and Magcon channel, also if u wanna see us in Albania, London, Germany, Sweden and Kosovo then make sure to click the link down below and buy ur ticket!. Peace and Love my babies!" I said and stopped my camera and went to edit it. After like 2 hours and a half I was done editing and posted the video and went next to Shawn who was sleeping like an angel. "Baby!" I said leaving kisses all over his face "Yeah?" He said opening his eyes smirking "Come on wake up! I wanna spend some time with u and then We'll have to leave in like 2 ho-" Shawn stopped me by kissing my lips "U talk to much!" He said smirking as he pulled away from the kiss "Yeah, I know!" I said smiling.
We arrived at the airport with the others and went and sat down waiting for our plane. Suddenly Shawn's phone started ringing and as soon as he saw the caller ID his expression changed from happy to somehow broke and angry. "I gotta take this!" He said kissing my cheek "Ok!" I said as he left and answered the phone and I turned to Hanna, Mahogany and My big sisy Christina.

Shawn's P.O.V

Sara... ughh. what does she want. "Hello!" I said on the phone "Babe!" She said with her annoying voice. "Don't call me babe and dont ever call me on this number. I have a girlfriend so leave me alone!" I said and she laughed on the phone "She wont know. Just come to my apartment in London. I know u're coming!" She said "Go fuck yourself!" I said and hung up. I went back to Lina as soon as she saw me angry her expression changed from Happy to worried "Baby, what's wrong?!" She asked and I took her hand on my lap started playing with her fingers. "My ex Sara, called me and stuff. I just want u to know that I have nothing going on with her!" I said and she nodded "Don't worry, I believe u!" She said smiling and I smiled back. We waited ten minutes more untill our flight was called and we got into the plane, the seats were like this:
Me and Lina
Aaron and Matthew
JackG and Christina
Cameron and Hanna
Mahogany and Jacob
Nash and Carter
Hayes and our menagement.
We were having so much fun and the time passed so fast. It was time to land and I woke Lina up and so did with the others. We landed in Albania and passed security, got out of the airport to our van and to our hotel. same things everywhere we go. except this time Lina was the only one who knew how to speak Albanian since she was albanian. Anyways we arrived to our hotel and went to our hotel rooms and went to sleep.

End of chapter 16

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