Chapter 5

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Lina's P.O.V

I woke up this morning by my annoying alarm and got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went out to pick my outfit and then got back to the bathroom to do my make up. I went downstairs and found my parents talking in the kitchen "-No Lina can't know about her real family!"My mom said and I interrupted "real family?!I asked and my mom turned to me with tears on her eyes "oh baby girl-" My mom started "I'm not a baby tell me who's my family!" I asked my "parents" and they didn't talk. "I'll find out!" I said and got out from the house and went to school. I got into class and found Hanna talking with the boys. "Hi guys!" I smiled, they all said Hi or waved but only Aaron pulled me into a tight hug "Hi, Lina, how u doing?!" He asked smiling "I'm Fine, what about u?!" I asked him "I'm good!" He said and then Christina came and as they stood next to each other they looked like they were twins. "uhmm, guys are u twins!" I asked them and they nodded. "Yeap, we also had another sister but she lost her memory and a family kidnapped her!" They said and I felt bad "What was her name?!" I asked them "It was Lina just like ur name!" They smiled sadly "Oh. I'm sorry. I..uh. I today found out that I'm adopted and they dont want me to find out about my real family!" I said with tears on my eyes and they both hugged me "Aww, we're sorry Lina!" They said at the same time "Its ok!" I said "Okay people, lets take a pic!" Hanna screamed and me, Aaron and Christina were the first ones who took a pic together and then with others.

I went home and when I got in nobody was in the house. I went to the kitchen and found a letter

"Dear Lina
We're sorry that we took you from your real family. We made a mistake. We never hade children and this was our biggest wish. Your name is not Lina Jenn Dillon, it is Lina Rose Carpenter. Today you said that you will find ur family, and we hope you do. We left and we're not coming back. Hope you'll find your family and be happy just like you were with them like 13 years ago.

We Love you and hope you'll forgive us!


A tear fell down my cheek as I readed the letter. I pulled out my phone and called Hanna. after 3 rings she answered "Lina?!" She said on the phone "Hanna, please come to my house, its urgent ok?!" I asked "I'll be there!" She said and hung up. After 5 mins she knocked on my door. I opened it and pulled her into a hug and cried "Lina, what happened?!" She asked "My parents left!" I said and she took the letter and read it... she pulled me into a hug and we spent the whole night watching movies and eating ice cream.

Hanna's P.O.V

"I'm sorry Lina!" I whispered "Hope u'll forgive me!" I said to her and pulled out my phone and looked at some pics I found of us when we were younger!.

Aaron's P.O.V

I'll find u Lina, I'll find u and then I'll never ever let u go again. I miss ur little hug baby girl. and right now u're 16 and god knows how beautiful u are and how many boys would wish they could have u. I'll find u sis. I'll find u princess!.

End of chapter 5

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