What Are You Afriad Of? (27)

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(So I wanted to say thanks to Fangirl_Nation_Unite for the lovely comment, it meant a lot. Also thanks to demigirl33 for the other comments :) Also, I wanted to say that you guys are awesome, we're almost to 4K reads! And without you I wouldn't be writing this :) so the question for this chapter:::
Q: What's your favorite chapter of this story and why? Who's your favorite character, and why? (one that I made up or not made up, it doesn't matter. But if you commented which one is your favorite that I made up it would make me smile :)

A: Well I can't really answer those...so,
Meghan is based off of a real person, Roy is based off of Red Arrow, and Leo isn't mine. He's from Percy Jackson. So comment, vote, and stay awesome Also if you have any questions for me I'd love to answer them :)

June 1st, 2:38PM

✨Meghan's POV✨

"CALEB I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Zoë screamed as a Nerf Bullet got her on the back of the head. We were doing our training, but this was Tony's version of it. We were playing a really intense version of 'Spoons,' and if you haven't played like we were playing, you haven't lived. We were playing the regular version of spoons, but since we had a odd number of people, one person had to sit out. So for this particular round, Caleb sat out while Leo, Zoë, Roy, and I played. Caleb got to sit and shoot whoever he wanted with a Nerf Gun, but he was just shooting Zoë the entire time.

Caleb scoffed from where he was sitting. "Take a chill pill, I'm just having fun."

Zoë looked up from her card pile. "I will seriously-"

"I GOT IT!" Leo screamed as he grabbed the spoon in the middle. The rest of us got up and started to sprint to the other end of the room. See, instead of having all the spoons in the middle, the people who didn't get it first have to run to get their spoon. It makes it way more fun.

Roy got there first. He was pretty cool,
He was super tall, his ginger hair always neat, and he seemed like the cool older brother type. He laughed as Zoë got the other one, leaving me spoon-less. "I've got the spooooonnnnn!" Zoë sang as she waved it in my face. I stuck my tongue out at her and sat down with Caleb.

They went back to start another round when the guy I think is Agent Coulsen walks in. Zoë says there's something fishy going on involving him, and I could tell by his body language he was stressed out. He walked up and whispered something to Tony, who then yelled over us, "okay guys, you have to go with Phil here and go visit Banner."

Leo laid on his back and groaned. "Why? We're on the second to last round of-"

Roy reached out and snatched up the spoon, making Zoë run for it. "I got it!" She screamed,and Leo groaned again.

Leo stood up and pretended to be okay with the lose. "You know what, spoons is a dumb game anyway," He stood up and walked over. "Wouldn't you agree?" I laughed and he smiled crookedly. Since that whole 'coffee table' thing, Leo's started to get taller, almost taller than me, and puberty is making him even more attractive than he already is.

After about ten minutes of walking around, we got to a floor that literally was split up into multiple offices. We walked into the third one down, where Bruce Banner was sitting at a desk in the middle of a room. But the weird thing was, his office was facing one of those rooms that have a glass wall with a solid wall behind it, making a room that you could see into.

"Okay, if you could all line up next to the wall for me this won't take long," Bruce mumbled as he flipped through some papers. He never really interacted with us, so this was something new. "Miss Lee if you could step into," he pointed at the room across from us, "that observing room I would be most pleased."

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