The Tower (13)

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May 28th, 1:56PM

(Ok before you start reading this there is a spoiler for those who haven't seen The Winter Solider yet. It's not a biggie but I'm sorry if you haven't seen the awesomeness of that movie.)

Zoë's POV

At first I thought the base might be hidden from society. You know, we all were hiding in the middle of no where so people couldn't find us, or they would have a problem tracking is down. But no. I stepped out of that van and was having mixed feelings about my new living space. I liked it, I mean who wouldn't want to live in a skyscraper? But I thought we were trying to hide from the bad people.

The base was a huge skyscraper in the heart of New York. Big, shiny and black with lots of windows, the place blended in except for one fact. There was a huge "A" on the building. Nice and obvious.

"I thought the point of a secret base was to keep it secret..."

"Hiding in the open-" Coulsen said crossing his arms. "Works every time."

I was about to shoot back 'that only works in the movies' but a loud thump interrupted me. Looking at the van I saw Fizt trying to unload the luggage himself. Walking over I asked, "Can I take my bags?"

He nodded vigorously and I took my bags from him. I walked towards Coulsen, looking for instructions. I guess he has telepathy too because the reply I wanted was the first thing he said. "18th floor. Pick out which ever room you want. I'll have Simmons get you for dinner. I would help but I have a meeting I need to go to."

He began walking swiftly to the buildings doors leaving me with the science geeks.

"Well," Simmons said after a moment of silence, "I'll show you to the girls rooms."

Wait. Did she say girls? As in, plural? Meaning more than one??!!??

"You mean that there are more girls here!! Oh my goodness that's awesome do I get to meet them soon or-"

Simmons put up her hand to silence me. "I'm sorry. I meant girls rooms as in more than one room meant for a girl."

"Oh." I felt crestfallen knowing I'd be the only girl here my age.

"Well are there any guys here my age?"

The two shook their heads no and we marched to the tower in silence.

"To the 18th floor," Fizt mumbled.


A fist landed on the new expensive mahogany table so hard it began to crack. Five out of the six Avengers (no one knew Thor was on earth) sitting around the table looked at each other and looked back at the man the world knew as Captain America. Steve's fist stayed on the table, and he could feel the crater that he had just made beneath his fist.

"Why haven't you told anyone you weren't really dead?" He narrowed his eyes at Phil Coulsen, who was sitting at the other end of the table with Director Nick Fury.

(Warning Spoiler up ahead)

"And why didn't you tell anyone but Capsicle that you were dead?" Tony Stark questioned while pointing at the presumed dead director. Steve Rodgers shot a annoyed glare in the famed Iron Man's direction before looking back at Coulsen. He opened his mouth to continue speaking but his words never came out of his mouth. Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye, looked up at the beloved S.H.I.E.L.D director and the man he mourned over for months.

"You both faked your deaths? And didn't tell us that it was faked? Why?"

The rest of the Avengers looked at the two that had risen from the "dead" without dying. Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rodgers, Tony Stark, and Clint Barton all stared in silence. They felt like they had been betrayed, lied to (which they had), and didn't feel like heroes of Earth at all. Phil Coulsen and Nick Fury couldn't even trust them with a secret.

Bruce looked over at the empty seat that was meant for a certain Asgardian. He wondered how they were ever going to contact Thor. If they would ever be able to contact Thor. "Is anyone aware of Thor's where-abouts?" And within a blink of an eye the door was slammed open.




Ok, I'm sorry for taking a really long time to update. School started and I had a bunch of crap that happened before school started so I had no time at all to type. Apologies my people. Anyways lots of stuff to cover in a little amount of time so I shall start.

Who'd you think slammed the door open? A cliffhanger!!! If anyone guesses the right answer I will make you cookies. You just have to guess.

771 views. 23 votes. I am truly grateful. It is amazing. Thank you.

And I have more stories coming up this month! My Batman and Robin/ Young Justice fanfic is in progress, it should be out before November. And my Oneshot is finally done. Thank goodness. It took longer than I thought. It's a Young Justice fanfic but it's focussed on Roy Harper, Wally West and Dick Grayson. It's a brother story. Go read it please. It would brighten my day.

And don't forget about the NG team character bios that is available.

See you guys later!! fangirl9943😘

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